my best friends for life is so cool!!!
Hey what ever I can't believe it my best friends for life in my class#1 he is so awesome and funny he is like the nicest cause today somebody made amy feel sad and bad and all that then when my best friend sfor life #1 saw her he um ask me why she was sad and all that later on she he ask her are u okey he was like so nice then he wanted 2 cheer her up he told MYbest friends for life #2 cheer her up do the race dance or something just make her laugh but my best friends for life #1 he was like don't do ya ming k it was so funny I don't know why some of my friend think My best friends for life is like mean and they don't really like him but U have to get 2 know him lots of my friend knew him since um like 3rd grade or something but I only knew him this year and he seem very nice and all that!! crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying heart heart heart heart heart