I check a few things online really quickly and then I crawled my way to the bed. As I lied there silently for a little bit, I thought of all the things changing in my life. The people I'm meeting, the job I got, how great grades I'm getting in college, pretty much just how everything seems perfect. Then I almost cried when I knew that nothing could stay perfect for to long.
As I then smiled away the moistness form my face and said well nothing but a good lover. As I closed my eyes as a tear rolled down on my right cheek. I slept until I had to be woken up but that?s not important. What?s important is the dream I had before I was woken up. It was weird and yet wonderful. I?m under a giant oak tree, just sitting there, with warm green grassy fields, a gently sun shining down on me a little, shade form the tree covering my eyes, as I slept, a soft wind blowing my hair from times, and Then I was woken by a soft touch of a woman.
I sat there my eyes just barely opening as I looked to her. She was as if she was a shadow, she placed her legs on each side of mine and sat there on mine. Looking into my eyes she smiled, I smiled back at her as I fully open my eyes. She leaned forward and kissed my lips once just brushing her lips across mine. As I went to move forward to kiss her back she moved back and placed her pointer finger on my lips and shakes her head. I raised a brow and leaned back against the tree. Sitting there with her on my lap I looked at her with an interesting eye indeed. As I sat there I asked her what is it she shout to get from me.
She was talking but no words came to me. So I shaked my head and leaned there still against the tree. As I looked at her I raised my right hand and slide it though my hair. As I looked pass her I saw a city, I never saw it there before. It was beautiful; it looked like it was made of pure crystal. I looked at her and ask what is that city. She turned and looked at the city smiling she turns back to me and talked again. But once more nothing came out for me to hear. I raised my hand slowly, as I placed it to her face and felt different, her skin was soft and cold, smooth yet hallow. I looked into her eyes and form what I could guess she was crying. I didn?t know what I did so I just reacted and pulled her close holding her close to me in my arms.
I patted her head and said I was sorry. As she sat there and cried I held her to try and relax her somewhat. After a little bit she raised her head. Looking at me I loosen my grip to let her go thinking this is what she wanted. But as I did so she gripped hold of my shirt like she was scared. SO I placed my arms around her once more a little tightly and told her its ok I wont let go. As I lower my head some so it was touching her. She was giggling at that.
I smiled seeing her do so. I kissed her forehead and said no worries I shall never let go, until you tell me to. As I close my eye and she does the same. As we slept the giant oak tree saw the kindness I had shown her and up lifted some of his roots wrapping them around us to protect us form harms way, as we slept.

This is somewhat of what it would have looked like exept,
1) She's a shadow
2) I don't look like that
3) its and oak tree not a a Sakura Blossum Tree
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