I am a gay supporter.
I see no reason to hate on them. wastes time.besides they're people just like us.
I mean it is that person's life, right?
What should make any person think that they have a right to be judge jury & executor
on the matter. i mean seriously.
if u dont like it, so what.
why should you beat the crap outta someone just because you're a yoai hatta.
what good is that gonna do? ur not fixing anything. and your wasting your time and being a bully. there is always a reason for everything. and all you do is destory a person.
so funk off!
if you hate them so much, then why the heck are you near them?
if you think they're filth why contaminate yourself, hm?
yeah..thats all i've to say 'bout that.
When I am queen I'll have my way I'll make it drowning Dollie day
and all the tears that we have cried will suck back in our eyes.
and all the tears that we have cried will suck back in our eyes.