About a mile into the serene cover of the dense green forest, a cave lay low in the ground, covered with moist, soft moss, rotting branches now home to an array of woodland insects, and an almost astronomic amount of dead leaves that had been left over from the last winter. Its stones were old, cracked from the wear of rolling ages and generations of animals who had all called it home at one time or another. The stones were also cool under the shadows, providing a welcome relief from the summer’s ghastly heat. During this muggy season, most animals preferred to simply nap away the steaming daylight hours and wait until the sun began to slide west to set about their business, whatever it may be. The wolves of this region were no different. Since spring had arrived several moons ago and faded into early summer, this well-placed little cave had been their den.
A crow made its cackly call high up in the canopy. A few branches rustled here and there, revealing the locations of a few playful squirrels. Still, despite these small movements, the forest was quiescent. One of the wolves who made his stay here was snoozing calmly just to the right of the den’s main entrance. His side moved up and down in a very mundane pattern each time his moist black nose took in a breath. Summer sunlight danced on the tips of his thinning silver and red dappled fur. The night before had provided them with a successful hunt and full stomachs, so this day had brought about a whole new kind of challenge for the wolves–figuring out how to occupy empty time–which was usually completed by partaking in a series of long naps.
Another movement disrupted the placid scene, and a wolf emerged from inside the den. This one was a female. She padded lightly into the open and over to where the young male lay sleeping. Lowering her head, she nudged his nose gently, “Rozielh,” she whispered, “Rozielh,” she repeated.
He slowly began to respond, letting out a loud yawn, “Calpura! What brings you out here?”
The young male stood up and shook his weary body awake. He smiled, gazing upon the she-wolf with a fond grin. She was quite a sight for a wolf. Her fur was laid with the most unusual pattern–white with a series of black patches varying greatly in size sprinkled about her coat. Her eyes were emerald, bright and full of life and feminine charm. She was sleek of body, well muscled but not so much as to lose her smooth figure. Built for speed and endurance, she was a beauty of a wolf to behold.
When the she-wolf gave no response other than a smile, Rozielh continued his inquiry, “Why is it so quiet? Has the pack gone hunting?”
Calpura stretched her neck and lay down in the dry, red dirt, “They took Kaylai down to the river for a bit so she could dispense some bottled energy. She was about to drive them all to insanity.”
Rozielh couldn’t help but grin at the mention of young Kaylai ,but he quickly shifted his thoughts, “Why didn’t you go with them, Calpura? You always go wherever your sister goes.”
“I told them I’d wait for you to wake up. We didn’t want to leave you here alone, and no one was interested in trying to rouse you. Even Shlotska went with them. Father’s orders.”
Rozielh looked surprised, “Even under orders I’m surprised your brother went along. He’s not usually the social type.”
Calpura looked away for a moment, then looked back at Rozielh, “He may not be social in a lighthearted sense but...he would do anything for me and Kaylai. He isn’t all that bad.”
Rozielh felt foolish for what he had said. Lowering his tail, he tried to lighten conversation again.
“So, Calpura, are we suppose to meet them at the river, or stay here and guard the den? You know, I’d be ok with a little alone time–”
“Oh, hush, Rozielh. You don’t get much alone time in this pack. Come on, let’s go see if we can find them.”
“Calpura, do you not like me?” Rozielh whimpered, feeling utterly rejected, “I’m not that bad–”
Calpura cut his sentence short again, “It isn’t that I don’t like you, it’s that you aren’t in the same position as my father, and I do what he says over what you say.”
Such was pack order. The alpha male and female had supreme authority over the pack and its members. However, it wasn’t a dictatorship. Just because the greater authority laid in the alpha pair, the other wolves were equally as important and their input was greatly valued. Shlotska, Calpura, and Kaylai were all children of the alpha’s. Rozielh had been accepted into the group at a young age, but only because their father, Zeal, thought it would be a good idea to keep an unrelated male in the pack, incase any incident should cut him short of his reigning term as alpha. Of course, with this in mind, Rozielh had always kept a close bond with the daughters Calpura and Kaylai, each born a season apart. Also, with this in mind, the daughters had kept a cautious eye on him. Only in the last year had they begun to let him near them..
Rozielh kept close to Calpura’s heels as she ran. He had always been a tad clumsy compared to the rest of the pack. His mind wandered with empty thoughts, while his paws kicked up dry leaves from the woodland floor. Rozielh wasn’t a foolish wolf, but he had always had a tendency to act on impulse. He would often let his rage entangle him, putting him in a dangerous position against Zeal. Somehow, however, he had managed to retain a strain of dignity to the pack. He hadn’t seen many seasons, but he was shaping up to be a fine wolf, and quite possibly, he hoped, an alpha.
About the same age as Calpura, Rozielh had always been enthralled by her inquisitive mind and compassionate nature. She was the first of the three siblings to open up to him when he had been admitted to the pack. He had been left alone to wander, kicked out of his former pack by a new alpha male, Lezer. Roz had fought for a decent position, but wound up on the bottom as usual. He had wandered for several days before entering onto Zeal and Therin’s territory. It was an odd intro. Shlotska actually found him, and may have drove him off, had Kaylai not been there.
Rozielh yawned. It was such a warm summer day. The river wasn’t a long distance away. Their paws made tracks as they ran. Calpura felt the breeze whip her fur, and she was filled with a strange sensation–freedom. It was as if she held no obligations and for a moment it felt as though she could keep running into forever, embraced by an uncertain path ahead. The thoughts exited her and she felt her legs move faster than her normal pace. Her heart was racing as speedily as her mind and leaves were kicked up chaotically into the warm summer air.
Roz had let go of his rejected feeling and was also enthused by the feel of the world at this care-free moment in time. He ran, watching Calpura as she began to frisk about. His spirit filled with pleasure. She was usually so calm and laid back, it felt good to see her acting so cub-like.
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The Wolf and the Butterfly
The howl...can you hear it? I hear that pack has eluded human capture for the last 10 years. They just keep on thriving. They'd better watch it. Even the most elusive butterfly gets caught in the net.
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