{{"Skeleton stolen from the wonderful D-Day {devonxxdoomsday}.
Who probably will not mind 'cause I LOVES HER!"
Nick Names-“Pyra, Flame.”
Race/Species-“Vampiric Fox/Fire Spirit with a little bit of Shadow Spirit thrown in there.”
Age-“Appears to be around 18 but really has no idea how old she actually is.”
Hair-“Short black hair, generally styled into a faux-hawk to keep it out of the way.”
Eyes-“Normally a deep blood red with a slitted pupil, though the color varies depending on her strongest emotion.”
Blood Type-“Because she checks that...”
Height-“Five three and a half, yes, she's short.”
Weight-“She doesn't know, she's never near enough a scale to check it.”
Body Structure-“She has a slight form, almost like that of the traditional archer.
Her muscles are well toned from years of combat training and living on her own.”
Personality-“Though short in stature, Pyra is not one to be trifled with.
She is a wary person, and if you're already on her bad side and make her mad, then all Hell will break lose.
However, once you get {and stay} on her good side, she can be your best friend and will protect you to the death.
True to her fox nature, she is sly and rather clever, being known to have outsmarted several of her enemies due to this fox-like nature.”
Language-“English, but she also speaks a long dead language to her little black fox, Siete, as he’s the only who understands it.”
Status-“Pyra has a mate, Xephyr, but he is rarely seen to the extreme laziness of the person operating the keyboard.”
{{“It’s true...”}}
Distinguishing Features-“The black fox ears and tail for sure, but she’s also darker than most, having been born and raised in the area around Egypt and staying there for most of her unnatural and natural life.
There is a small star near her left eye that glows a bright white when she’s feeling especially powerful and there’s a small, heart-shaped scar on the palm of her left hand, which is always covered due to the fact that Pyra has an affinity for fingerless gloves.
She gained this scar the night she was changed from the one that changed her.
She gained another scar from him not too long ago when she defeated him in the shape of a broken heart on the other palm.
She’s not sure why she gained it, but she believes it has something to do with the slight bond she had with him, the heart on the left is whole, signifying his life, the heart on the right in broken, signifying his death.
She can always be seen with the majority of her weapons in their respective sheaths.”
Beliefs/Religion-“Pyra believes in God, but doesn’t always seem to act as if she does because of her “I don’t really care what you think about me” attitude.”
Hobbies-“She likes to practice with her weapons when she’s bored and have friendly spars with people, though they claim to not be able to defeat her.
{She doesn’t claim to be powerful, other’s do it for her.}
If she’s not practicing or sparring {because no one really wants to}, she can usually be found reading a book with Siete on her lap.
She also works as the head bouncer for Titiana Requiem at the Vampire Ball, so she’s often seen there surrounded by her friends who often get bored and start raves, which Pyra enjoys.”
Devon Doomsday best friend/companion
“Pyra and Devon have been friends far too long for their own good.
Or maybe for everyone else’s mental health, I don’t remember.
However, one can usually find these two chasing each other’s tails {or rather, Devon trying to pounce on Pyra’s and Pyra attempting to keep her fluffy tail out of the way}, cuddling, or practicing combat skills for the sheer heck of it.
Pyra was there both when Devon’s children were born and was part of her and Arcite’s wedding strengthening their bond.
Devon takes the form of a human/ice dragon hybrid.”
Siete companion/guide
“Siete is seen more often than Xephyr, simply because Siete doesn’t require as much effort as Xephyr.
Siete is Pyra’s little fox that’s been with her since birth, a tradition of her Clan.
Whenever a child was born, they got what can only be described as a “Spirit Guide”, usually taking form of the animal side of the child {a fox, in Pyra’s case}.
Siete is also Pyra’s protector and is no ordinary fox.”
Xephyr mate
“As previously stated, Xephyr is rarely seen, just because the keyboard operator is lazy.
However, he does appear at random times.
Xephyr and Pyra have known each other for a long time, both having escaped the massacre of their Clan long ago.
Xephyr is rather quiet, usually only speaking to Pyra, Siete, or his white wolf, Risika, who stayed with Pyra and Siete for a while whilst Xephyr was away.
Xephyr takes the form of a white wolf/human hybrid and is darker than Pyra, who is dark enough as is.”
{{“There’s more, my hand’s just getting a cramp.
I’ll get reference pictures up later.”}}
Who probably will not mind 'cause I LOVES HER!"
Nick Names-“Pyra, Flame.”
Race/Species-“Vampiric Fox/Fire Spirit with a little bit of Shadow Spirit thrown in there.”
Age-“Appears to be around 18 but really has no idea how old she actually is.”
Hair-“Short black hair, generally styled into a faux-hawk to keep it out of the way.”
Eyes-“Normally a deep blood red with a slitted pupil, though the color varies depending on her strongest emotion.”
Blood Type-“Because she checks that...”
Height-“Five three and a half, yes, she's short.”
Weight-“She doesn't know, she's never near enough a scale to check it.”
Body Structure-“She has a slight form, almost like that of the traditional archer.
Her muscles are well toned from years of combat training and living on her own.”
Personality-“Though short in stature, Pyra is not one to be trifled with.
She is a wary person, and if you're already on her bad side and make her mad, then all Hell will break lose.
However, once you get {and stay} on her good side, she can be your best friend and will protect you to the death.
True to her fox nature, she is sly and rather clever, being known to have outsmarted several of her enemies due to this fox-like nature.”
Language-“English, but she also speaks a long dead language to her little black fox, Siete, as he’s the only who understands it.”
Status-“Pyra has a mate, Xephyr, but he is rarely seen to the extreme laziness of the person operating the keyboard.”
{{“It’s true...”}}
Distinguishing Features-“The black fox ears and tail for sure, but she’s also darker than most, having been born and raised in the area around Egypt and staying there for most of her unnatural and natural life.
There is a small star near her left eye that glows a bright white when she’s feeling especially powerful and there’s a small, heart-shaped scar on the palm of her left hand, which is always covered due to the fact that Pyra has an affinity for fingerless gloves.
She gained this scar the night she was changed from the one that changed her.
She gained another scar from him not too long ago when she defeated him in the shape of a broken heart on the other palm.
She’s not sure why she gained it, but she believes it has something to do with the slight bond she had with him, the heart on the left is whole, signifying his life, the heart on the right in broken, signifying his death.
She can always be seen with the majority of her weapons in their respective sheaths.”
Beliefs/Religion-“Pyra believes in God, but doesn’t always seem to act as if she does because of her “I don’t really care what you think about me” attitude.”
Hobbies-“She likes to practice with her weapons when she’s bored and have friendly spars with people, though they claim to not be able to defeat her.
{She doesn’t claim to be powerful, other’s do it for her.}
If she’s not practicing or sparring {because no one really wants to}, she can usually be found reading a book with Siete on her lap.
She also works as the head bouncer for Titiana Requiem at the Vampire Ball, so she’s often seen there surrounded by her friends who often get bored and start raves, which Pyra enjoys.”
Devon Doomsday best friend/companion
“Pyra and Devon have been friends far too long for their own good.
Or maybe for everyone else’s mental health, I don’t remember.
However, one can usually find these two chasing each other’s tails {or rather, Devon trying to pounce on Pyra’s and Pyra attempting to keep her fluffy tail out of the way}, cuddling, or practicing combat skills for the sheer heck of it.
Pyra was there both when Devon’s children were born and was part of her and Arcite’s wedding strengthening their bond.
Devon takes the form of a human/ice dragon hybrid.”
Siete companion/guide
“Siete is seen more often than Xephyr, simply because Siete doesn’t require as much effort as Xephyr.
Siete is Pyra’s little fox that’s been with her since birth, a tradition of her Clan.
Whenever a child was born, they got what can only be described as a “Spirit Guide”, usually taking form of the animal side of the child {a fox, in Pyra’s case}.
Siete is also Pyra’s protector and is no ordinary fox.”
Xephyr mate
“As previously stated, Xephyr is rarely seen, just because the keyboard operator is lazy.
However, he does appear at random times.
Xephyr and Pyra have known each other for a long time, both having escaped the massacre of their Clan long ago.
Xephyr is rather quiet, usually only speaking to Pyra, Siete, or his white wolf, Risika, who stayed with Pyra and Siete for a while whilst Xephyr was away.
Xephyr takes the form of a white wolf/human hybrid and is darker than Pyra, who is dark enough as is.”
{{“There’s more, my hand’s just getting a cramp.
I’ll get reference pictures up later.”}}