For me and Mello, L has been the only person we adore...

Okay people, I’m going to give you a long-winded argument over the fact that Kira is wrong, and most definitely not justice.
First off, he’s a murderer. I often see ‘Oh ya, well he did it because he was trying to make the world a better place’. His reign would be one of fear, not of ‘justice’. Honestly, would you like to live in a world where some guy who thinks he’s God will smite you if you are a bad person? What if it was your mother who, maybe, yelled at a kid to get off her lawn? Taking into account of the things both Mikami and Light have punished people for, it’s not a far stretch to say that they would Death Note your poor mother for her not-very-contributive position in society.
Next off, is the fact that it contradicts my religion, Catholicism. The only one who has the right to take people’s lives is God, and Him alone. Kira wasn’t given his power by God, just by a bored Shinigami. It wasn’t fate, it was luck.
Light’s idea of Justice and L’s are very similar, yet not-so-much. Do you see L trying to play God? No. Kira, however, thinks that he, an ordinary person like you or myself, albeit a bit smarter, has the right to judge and kill people. It’s like saying iConan or Mrs Squiiiirel has the right to judge and kill people. Most people with half a brain wouldn’t like this, but how is it any different from Kira?
The world should have a sense of balance- a harmonious algorithm of good and evil, wrong and right. However Kira’s opinions are twisted, too much good in the world could set things off-balance.
Bringing into account L, I must agree with the Kira supporters when they say “It’s rather idiotic that he only takes cases that he’s interested in.” HOWEVER, this is the case with many detectives, and I know I wouldn’t want to work on a boring case. L is just trying to keep himself entertained. L’s sense of Justice is- in my opinion- right. Albeit my support of capital punishment, people have no right to die just because they aren’t contributing to society. Nor does L think this- his sense of justice is “People get what they deserve.” I don’t think a guy who stole a pack of cigarettes deserves to be killed.
This is just my opinion.

...the only person who deserves our respect.