Age- Unknown for certain, though he looks around 10 to 12.

Personality- is shy and withdrawn from years of pain, fear, and abuse. Has a tendency to try and hide from people, but is extremely kind when it comes to others who are in trouble. His years of pain have caused him to be somewhat untrusting but, if given time and shown kindness, he can become extremely trusting, almost to the point of foolish. Dislikes cruelty, but can't find the courage to fight it. He's still a virgin and is fairly innocent at this point.
Race- Cherub (angel)
Gender- Male
Sexuality- He’s a little young to know.
Bio- Lost most of his childhood memories due to an unknown event. He was found in a ditch by a man named Adda, who took him in and cared for him as a son. When the man died however, he was dragged away and sold to the market. He has been moved from place to place numerous times over the past few years due to his backwards and clumsy character. He enjoys making people smile and will try his best to make people happy. Is afraid of most masters, but if he's treated well enough, he'll become a little closer and open up a bit.
collars- purple and pink. (Play thing, and Abused)