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Well school's been out for quite some time now.... and mai party was a bust! evil grrrr.... well then again mai attempts at invitations were very sucky. So anyone i was kinda in a sticky situation recently. Erm well I spent the night at one of mai chick friend's house and we stayed up all night talking about this certain one guy.... aka mai bestest guy friend EVERness!
And a couple days later, they start dating. DATING! I didn't know what too think.... but I was NOT happy.... see for years I would help him with his girlfriend trouble, and I don't know why, 'cause I wanted so badly to be in that position! Gosh darnit.... But now i know that he dumped mai friend AND his boyfriend and started going out with this really good-looking guy with PINK hair!!! But that's okay wiff meh because he has a boyfriend and a girlfriend at the same time 4laugh but I'm still a little confused. question question question question HELP
Anyway we've been vacationing alot lately. About a week after school ended (