=D this is me gaia bestie who I call smexy 0.0 hes sooo awesome =D and nice and awesome to talk with =D and i loverz him cuz hes awesome like that xD

Jim a.k.a JWOODY hes an awesome guy and pretty fun to talk to xD theres never a time when your not laughing when talking to this guy tho I never met him in rl yet XD maybe one day 0.0

Cris one of my RL BEST friends this b***h is ******** awesome and keeps me from going crazy well crazier then I already am she's one of the funnest person I know and she is always there for her friends . xD I don't know how she puts up with me XD She's a one of a kind friend

This is my RL and Gaia best Friend Steph Shes an awesome drawer and really fun to freak out XD . She been there for me as well I know if I call her if I'm having a bad day She'll help me feel better ^_^ Shes awesome !

This Is Unknown shes one of me best friends on here and I loverz her alot
Shes fun to talk to and crazy( in the good way ) She always a good person to talk to and hang with in towns =D

This is me Gaia friend Teh Savior he is awesome and a cool person to talk to and smart useing big words @_@ yay!!

Cole my best Gaia Friends Hes an awesome guy hes caring and sweet i bit weird at times but we all are XD

This is my Gaia Friend Lu_Bu_2008 hes a really cool guy to talk to and really smart ^_^ and also very nice

This is me Good friend here on gaia xEmpty_Nothingnessx She is ******** awesome!!!XD shes ALWAYS fun to talk to and comes up with the weirdest and awesomest stuff to talk bout 3nodding

This Is Angels shes my gaia sis shes an awesome person XD a pain at times but still cool and i lover her like she was my real sis XD

This is me bestie darkest_wish13 hes one of thee nicest guys you could ever know ^_^ XD he loves pies and cookies to yay!!!!!!!!!!!!Hes also really the bestist guy to be friends with i can't say how many times i was feeling like crapy and then after talking to him i felt soo much better .. he makes you stronger just from being his friend be it on gaia or real life hes awesome and theres way more i know im missing >.< but ill write more if i think of if XD

This is Gilbert a.k.a Light hes one of the very first ppl i was friends with on here and hes awesome funny and weird XD in the good way hmmm hes always fun the be in towns with xD he always seems to bring the weirdness in the good way
=o and its fun getting into pie fights with him ^_^

This is Cece one of me first gaia friends and one of the coolest girls ever ^_^
shes like a sister to me and is awesome to hang with in towns XD she always seems to make you laugh and joke around theres never a paint in time when your bored with Cece ^_^

this is me PLAY lover Kaytie XD
she is a really funny person to talk to she is ALWAYS there for her friends and can make anyone laugh with her randomness

This is May La Nee one of the most awesome and coolest girls i know and shes funny and really nice !!

This is my Gaian Sister rj-rocker-girl Shes a really sweet and caring person kinda shy at times but still really fun to talk with and shes also an awesome artist I love her drawings heart

This is me gaia friend /playlover I Sniff Markerz XD hes fun to talk with an awesome guy 3nodding >.> shh he doesnt know we are lovers yet X3 lol jk

This is Robert hes me awesome gaia friend and so sweet and like the coolest guy ever !!!=D he also makes awesome dream avis 3nodding

this is me gaia bro hes a funny and sweet guy =D and if u hurt him u die a painful and sad death =D
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I'd give up hello kitty for you!