Meet the Cast!!!
-bluestar411 (aka bluestar)
-CandyIsMehDrugs (aka Candy)
-CrazYCeciL (aka cecil)
-f r e s h cookay
-RockinIceprincess (aka RIP or something else?)
-silver_dragon_of_darkness (aka silverdragon)
-xBoringGurlx (aka BoringGirl)

Candy: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RockinIce!!!
RockinIceprincess: Ahem, that was like 3weeks ago
Candy: ehehehe….
CeciL: did we get a letter from THE HOUSE yet?
Fresh cookay: Yep.. I just got it from the mailman a few minutes ago.
Bluestar: READ IT!!! WE HAVE to get invited to THE HOUSE!!! It’s like…errr…my dream!!!
Curlylucky: Why do people call it…THE HOUSE anyways???
BoringGirl: Because, ummmmm, it’s a house?
Curlucky: oh yea! Cookay can you please read it?
Every one crowded around Fresh Cookay when she began reading the letter,
Dear Owners of 7842 Happy Rainbows Avenue,
I am here to inform you that you are invited to THE HOUSE. Remember that each person must bring:
A Swiss army knife
A canteen of water
A bag of bananas
A lighter
A flashlight
A bunny
And one free item of your choice
Come to THE HOUSE at 3:00am tomorrow wearing cargo,a shirt, and boots.
Best of Luck,
Sincerely THE HOUSE
Bluestar: Creepyyyyy….
RockinIceprincess: I wonder why in the world we need those things and….
*gets interrupted by Cecil*
CeciL:WHAT THE HELL!! Be there 3:00am!!
BoringGirl: owell, let’s get ready!!
As everyone was preparing to get ready to go in THE HOUSE, they were still thinking of what extra item they needed.
One hour later...
Silverdragon: OKie DOKiE!! IS EVERYONE READY??!!
Everyone: Yea!
Everyone was nervous, shaking, trembling; especially since they had no clue what they were gonna do in THE HOUSE. All they knew was that THE HOUSE was said to be spooky. Just that, the owners of the house on Happy Rainbows’ parents dragged them along to try and enter THE HOUSE to see why everyone was afraid of it. I think….
Fresh cookay: Hey everyone, what did you choose for your extra item?
RockinIceprincess: My mother’s necklace
Cecil: My gun
Bluestar: MY NEW HARAJUKU HANDBAG!!!!! ^o^
Silverdragon: My pokeball!
BoringGirl: A box of tissues
Curlucky: This good book I just bought
Candy: A lollipop (:
Fresh cookay: sweatdrop Okay…..Well, I just brought along my ipod.
Nine hours later…
RockinIceprincess: Wake up everyone!!! Let’s to go to DUNDUNDUN…THE HOUSE!!!
Fresh cookay: ohnooooo!!!
Silverdragon: Off we go!!
Bluestar:We’re here! We’re here!!! Yayyyy!!
BoringGirl: yayy!! Bluestar open the door!
Bluestar: WHAT??!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!
Everyone: No
Bluestar: WHY DO I HAVE TO??
Curlucky: Umm….you were the only one excited to go to THE HOUSE, and….your hand is on the doorknob.
Bluestar: oh yea! That’s right!
Ten minutes later…
RIP: Ahem, *coughs*, aren’t you going to open the door, bluestar?
Bluestar: Yes.
Cecil: Then why don’t you open it?
Bluestar: cuz…wait let me go to the bathroom *runs off*
One minute later…
Bluestar: Heyyy I’m back!!
Everyone: yayyyy!!! Now, open the door, blue!
Bluestar: okie dokie
Bluestar turned the knob in slow motion, her hand trembling like crazy, everyone sweating just staring at the door. Not to mention THE HOUSE was one big house, 105.9ft tall to be exact.
The door begins to make a CREEK noise.
The door begins to make a CREEK noise.
Candy: Oh for crying out loud! I can’t stand the pressure no more!!! *Moves bluestar outta the way and opens the door*
Fresh cookay gasped, silverdragon’s heart sank, Candy’s face flushed, RockinIceprincess nearly fainted, bluestar and BoringGirl jumped in horror, curlucky went unconscious, and Cecil slowly took out her gun. Everyone went wide eyed at what they saw.
Curlylucky: I think we should go back….*whispered*
“Why don’t you come in? Once you come in, there’s no walking out.”, a mysterious, low voice exclaimed.
Everyone gulped and walked slowly in THE HOUSE. The door slammed and locked itself.
Candy: HOLY SHITT!!!
Candy pointed to a large crowd of people of likely ages children to adults. There were women cradling their babies and men whom seem to look like they just came back from the military. But the thing was…they didn’t look really human at all! Eyeballs hanging down from their sockets, their skin was pale or greenish. Fleshless animals running around the house.The whole entire room was filled with them. They were more like moving zombies.
RockinIceprincess ran back to the door and tried to unlock it, but the door knob would not budge. ‘WHAT THE EFF?!! Why the hell is the doorknob lock is from the outside?’ she thought
“STOP! Didn’t I just say once you walk in there’s no walking out?” said the strange voice in anger.
Everyone looked around trying to find where in the world the strange voice was coming from.
Fresh cookay: Ummmm..*speaks shyly*who are you? And…where are you may I ask?
*The walls started shaking.*
Curlylucky: AHH!! EARTHQUAKE!!!
*The walls stopped shaking.*
CeciL: What the heck was that all about? *takes out her gun*
“Well, since you kids are gonna die soon enough I might as well introduce myself before your deaths.” , said the strange voice .
Everyone gulped.
Out of nowhere there was a portrait of an angel all dress in white, with wings, just above the first set of stairs on the walls. The portrait was starting to move and the angel came out floating down the stairs coming face to face with the groupie.
Bluestar: So mind telling us about yourself or…THE HOUSE?*feeling nervous*
“My name is Angelina. I died of 1981 during WWII. It was a sunny afternoon; my parents were planning a birthday party for me for my 16th yr. They were quite rich parents, they bought THE HOUSE for a couple of billion bucks.”
BoringGirl: Wow
“So, just a couple days before the party I had just met the love of my life, Ethan, who was my father’s best friend’s son. Though, he loved me back just that he had to leave for the army for secret service missions and training on a deserted island off southeast of Florida. Before he left he gave me a promise ring for my birthday.”
SilverDragon: SO THAT MEANS, you guys are like engaged or something!
“Yes, I believe that is correct.” she folded her arms, and stared at her ring forming tears in her eyes.
Fresh Cookay: Ohhh...can you explain more about THE HOUSE or most likely more about your life?*seems interested*
Candy: Ewww love! Pffttt!
*Angelina eyed Candy evilly.*
Fresh Cookay punched Candy inda eye.
Fresh Cookay: There’s nothing wrong about love! Weren’t you ever in love with a certain ‘boy’?
Candy: Ehehehehehe..*hides behind bluestar*
“As I was saying, the day of my birthday, I started crying my eyes out thinking that Ethan was still alive! However, no one would believe me. My mother kept saying ‘He’s dead, there are plenty of men here Angel, face it!! Go on and party! Here let’s blow the birthday cake.’ I walked out of my room and went to the large cake…”
Candy:*drools* yummmmm
“Until…my father peers out the window.”
A large gush of wind comes from the sky, a helicopter hovering over THE HOUSE.
“I’m going outside Mama!”i cried.
"Alright dear! Just be safe!" she responded.
I ignored the last comment and walked outside.
As soon as I walk out I stare in at the aviator flying the helicopter.
“Ethan? Is that you??!!!” Yes, yes it was him. I knew it fersure. I look to see what he’s doing and he beckons someone from far behind me from behind the trees of the forest. And the last words I hear from him are “Start the bombs, NOW”. Just then bombs from underneath the ground erupt in and out of the house. BOOM! BOOM!!! SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! RICE KRISPIE! I closed my eyes, tears falling; I bend down only seeing from an inch away from me is a bomb. Then it explodes.
"And now, I spend my years living in THE HOUSE, well, more like haunting it."
RockinIceprincess: Oh my gosh! How sad. But you’re an angel! Aren’t you um supposed to be living up there? *points to the sky*
Angelina turned towards RIP and let out a heavy sigh.
“You see, I am not fully an angel yet RockinIce. I need my halo and that is the only way I can rest in peace up above in heaven. And that’s why YOU ALL WILL HELP!”, she yelled
Curlylucky: *closes her ears* Does she have to be so loud??
Bluestar: We’ll help you get your halo. And will you tell us, how we can get out of here, if we can?
“I might as well tell all of you guys since you all seem like good friends.”
“Only ONE person can make it out of the house. The rest will suffer eternity living HERE, then I will earn my halo.”
RockiinIceprincess: OH NO!!! *sobs*
Silverdragon: That sucks, how can that one person escape?
Angelina smirked evilly. “Last man standing wins. Let the battle begin!” and she floated back to the portrait.

A/ns: Oh no!!! Battle royal has begun! Well, I got that some inspiration from that Japanese book and movie “Battle Royale”. Beware lots of horror, blood, angst coming on the next episode!...or not. talk2hand
I had to major edit two eps and combine them into one.
© Copyright 2008 Sweet-Scented-Roleplays, Inc