1. Do you know someone named Amanda? Yes lots of people including my self.
2. Do you know anyone named Chris? Yes Lots of people including myself....>_>
3. Ever kissed anyone with a name starting with K? Yes I have.
4. Do you have any siblings? Not blood related.
5. Do you look alike? Yes we're ******** twins!(Dispite the not being related thing JK)
6. What color are the walls in your bedroom? White with pictures of people and things and dead puppies stapled to the wall.
8. Are you named after a grandparent? Yes actually ive never met her but my mommy says we're alot alike.
9. Are you a heavy sleeper? Yes. Ive fallen a bunk-bead on to a hard wood floor and didnt wake up.
10. Who did you last hug? My midget i think... Maybe my mom?
11. Are you taller than 5'3"? Are you?
16. Who was the last person to send you a text message? My Midget-Pidgen.
18. Do you like to read? Of course.
19. Are you jealous? A lot though i try not to act on it.
20. What made you smile today? Reading a journal entry My midget did.
21. What are you doing today? Human sacrifice and coloring
22. What did you do yesterday? Bush Gardens!
23. What's the first thing you would do with a million dollars? I would buy you a garden where your flower will bloom? I mean...books lots of books and a few prostitutes
25. How many hours did you sleep for last night? 10.
26. Who was the last person you had a sleep over with? MIDGET-PIDGEN I do everything with her...I MEAN EVERYTHING heart
27. Who’s the last person that creeped you out? No one really. People dont creap me out...
28. Do you like your school? I do because I like learning I just hate the morons you have to put up with.
29. What jewelery are you wearing? a ring
30. Anything fun happen today? I finished Breaking dawn biggrin
31. Anything bad happen today? I finished breaking dawn!
34. What's the last thing you bought? Since when did i have to buy anything? Breaking dawn i thing and some pencils.
37. Do you have shoes on? NOOOO! Shoes are not around i lost them in the floridian avalanche.
39. Do you get annoyed easily? No?
40. Are you photogenic? Only when the camera doesn't burst into flames after it takes a picture of me.
41. Do you like to draw? Love it almost as much as i love sacrificing babies to satan.
42. Are you good at saving money? Yes...well sort of
43. What should you be doing right now?Drawing.
44. Do you have a tattoo? No i wish i did.
45. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? Nope. Dont watch that much TV.
46. Is there a secret you've never told your best friend? Midget-pidgen knows more about me than I do...
50. Who is the last person that called you? Midget-pidgen.
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i dont want you or your stupid bibles!
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When life gives you melons, you know you're dyslexic.