I was gone for a while.
I long while.
But I'm back now.
I was gone for a while because of an acussing step-dad.... ((No surprise))
Now that's over, and I'm back.
I have nothing really to say.
But if I say how I feel at the moment.
It would be confused.
Then again, my emotions should be of no importance to myself.
Like this one thing I typed while I was 'grounded' from the computer:
My Heart is singled out for no one but myself to mourn with. Yes, it may seem Conceded, but I have my reasons. And within time, you will find out what I trully mean.
And this one ((I thought of it one night that it was a full moon and it was really close. And it just reminded me of my past experiances and caused me to cry)):
If My tears should turn to blood, I would have stains on my clothes everyday.
That one is true though. Now, I feel like doing something else. So this is a farewell for now. I'll post my 'Re-make' Of my story so it will match Heigher's past and things will make much more sence. ^^ See ya'.

An obscene beast within the exquisite body of a human. Just waiting, for the right time to kill. A Vampire:

Well I've spent enough time on this already. So now, I'm done. ^^ Enjoy.
Community Member
Our group down here seems to be breaking apart to.
I'm really sorry.