Title: I put on my overcoat and walked into winter, my teeth chattered rhythms
Mood: Electric
Music: Owl City
Well I haven't written a blog in some time. Sorry about those movies not working anymore. The YouTuber got deleted. Damn DMCAs. I start school on September 3rd. My 3rd year at West Shore Community College. Woo hoo... That kind of sucks, but it's free and an education. I thought I'd share my schedule.
Monday & Wednesday @ 9:30 I have College Algebra. I will also have a tutor some day with Carol as well. Not sure when yet.
Monday & Wednesday @ 5:00 I have a piano class. This seems like it is going to be super cool because I have always wanted to learn the "real" way.
Tuesday @ 7:00 I have Concert Choir. I am very excited for this since I have not been in a choir since high school.
Tuesday & Thursday @ 11:00 & 12:00 I have Principles of Speaking/Intro to Ethics. I really don't know how to explain this class.
So yeah, these are all my classes for the 2009 Fall semester. I think I can handle all of them. I do not want to drop out of any of them. I hate when I do that!
So I still don't have a job. That is really getting me down. I am 21, and I just want a freaking job. I want to grow up. I do want to move out once I'm out of West Shore, and if I'm not saving I don't see how that can happen. I still don't know what school I want to go to. I think I know what I want to do though. I want to be a Japanese Major. I do want to move to Japan after school, or study abroad. I have travelled to different countries before, so I don't find the thought of this scary or anything.
My weight loss isn't going the best, but it's still going. I got another fill the other day, and those always help. I am now down to 218. That may seem like a lot, but I was 278. So I have now lost a total of 60 pounds! I really, really want to be under 200. I can't remember the last time I was. Seriously, that is sad... I am also just looking forward to being healthy and looking good. And I feel like no matter how much weight I lose, it won't happen. I will always just be ugly. And that's a bummer.
My depression is still bad, but I'm trying to stay away from blogging about that right now. I want to see someone about that, but I have no idea what in the heck I would talk to them about. I can barely talk to friends about it. I also need a boyfriend. People keep reminding me.
So yeah, this is me in the latest news. Oh! I have a YouTube account as most of you know, but I now have 70 videos, and have been on it for over 2 years now. So if you have an account, or if you don't make one, subscribe to me because I am awesome and you are my friend.
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