Viola stood next to Xavier. Her left leg a stream of hot blood. The metalic scent of bloo stained the air. Satan had finaly led the humans and Many demons against her mother. He wanted the souls he had been promised. But she woud not allowe that foul bast to have Sevina or Diedrick. This would be her final gift to her mother.
Viola's bck was to the huse she had been raised in. Her father had passed away and many of there family had been born in this house. Viola's childeren where with the other children and grandchildren. Deep in the bowls of the castle protected in the training room. Viola spared her mate a last look, his fac was a mask of determination. She wished she could stop time to tell him how much she truly loved him.
WIth scattered roars and yells, Satans army charged them. Viola's heart pounded as one, two, three fell at her feet. The blood red scythe shewas wealdig dripped and cryed at the amount of souls it was stealing.
A searing pain in her right sholder, a deep gouge to her arm. She almost dropped her weopon as two fingers joined her pool of blood. Readjusting to compisaite the loss of fingers she slammed into an upper class demon. She uttered a strangled scream as his huge fangs sank deep into her sholder. With a furiouse scream she tore out his juggular. She shoved the massive body from her. Thats when she saw him. The first son of Satan. First in line for the kingdom.
"Decon." She snarled at the prince. THe man hated her with more furiouse passion than Satan had for his creator. She matched his hate.
"Little Viola... Are you ready to become my bride? For you discusting mate wont live past today." Decon sneared at her as he grasped his sword.
"I would rather Die, Decon, and you know that." She hissed as her eye caught Xaviers battle with three massively muscled incubi. She wante to go to him, to aid him. But that was impossable.
"Oh you will Viola, have no dough about that. And I think Ill take your mother and that Welp as well." He snarled.
Viola snarledand erupted. She swong her scythe at him. The weopons clashed with a shower of blue and red sparks. Over and over the two crule weopons met. The red scythe and the curved sword. It continued untell the ground around them steamed with small fires.
With a savag twist Viola gave up a parr to leap into the air and swing down with amasing speed. Taking Decon by surprise he was only able to twistslightly away, leaving an ear and a great chunck of his arm behind. His black blood dripped off her scythe. She touchd it into a fire and watched the blade egnight. He copyed her and the two begain there battle again. The frst resounding clang of the worriors drew a halt to the war around them.
Viola's hair streamed out behind her as Decons black fanned around him. Viola knew she was no longer healing and desperation flaire up in her. She met Xavier's eye for the breifest of moments as she allowed Decon to slamm his sword into her chest. Blood spurted out of her mouth as she wrapped her fingers around Decon's throte. With a strangled cry she crushe his addoms apple and ripped.With a sick crunch Decon fell at her feet.
Viola swayed. With a gurgleing breath she closed her eyes. She cast an upmost powerfull spell. Every human for hundreds of miles erupted into a black or white ball of flames, depending on where they would be going. The human towns and villags vanishd in mushroom clouds of black-grey smoke. The Demons attacking nearly all died Those that didnt she payed would be handled.
She stumbled and hit the ground her eyes glazing at the loss of power. She wuldnt leave this war. She understood that. But with the death of Decon, she had saved her mother. And her mother would protect Diedrick. She slammed her remaning resourses into Ahn. Giving her sister a full mind and soul.
She was gasping for breath and blood streamed out of her mouth and her massive wonds. She had no more, she couldnt o on.
'I love you...' She slid into Xaviers mind. It would be the last thing he heard from her. She slipped over backwards, her scythe falling from her hands. With a final bubbly breath she lay still.
Gracefull even in death.
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