It was! >D
When we were at school, we were coming back from Reading class and going to Math. We had to wait in the hallway, 'cause our teacher was talkin' to some 8th grade kids who got in trouble. In Reading, we had had a debate about whether trapping(in the hunting category) was wrong/unsportsmanlike, and that people should use hunting dogs and their guns. We separated. I was on the side that said that trapping was wrong. xp For various reasons, I'm not gonna go into it. rolleyes Anyway. We were waiting in the hallway. One of my classmates, Dawit, was totally hyped up. He was on his belly on the floor, and he was kicking of of the walls, sliding back and forth from wall to wall in the hall floor. xd HILARIOUS. And! And! xd When he had stopped, he came over and he was talking to his friends, and then he decided to go floor-sliding again. He was walking over to his spot, and all the sudden he tripped and fell totally flat on his face. It was really funny, 'cause it was all quiet and then suddenly Dawit trips and makes a loud BANG! and everyone looks over there and starts laughing.
Heeeelarious. Okay. And! I went to Brianna's house. Brianne, Juan's little sister. She's in 6th grade. She's cool. I believe I've mentioned her before. Anywho, when I got there, Ben and Juan were playing video games. Brianna and I went outside and got her friend Kayla. It was fun. 3nodding (Teeheehee... I have a 'real name' around them, now. My nickname is Kelsey, and my 'real name' is Krienne. Our little secret... rofl ) But when I told them my real name was Krienne, I was like: "I dunno even know what country it's from-- my parents are SO wierd... Anyway... it's... Krienne." Kayla: "Well, duh! It's Korean." (Krienne, Korean, you get it...) Me: "NooooOOOOooooo...."
Ben came over after a little while.
Ooh! Guess what? There's a BBQ tonight. <3 And I might be having a sleepover with Brianna. Fun, fun. <3
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Fri Sep 09, 2005 @ 12:43pm · 2 Comments |