redface mmmmm...... i got my ...... i was in math class yesterday... i was sitting on my feet, doing CRAPPY homework... i got my... my (i bet the peron reading this is telling me, in such nice words...GET ON WITH IT!!!)FINE THEN! I GOT MY FOOT STUCK IN MY CHAIR!! Holy crap it was embarrising! I was siting there like an idiot ussing my arm strength(WHAT ARM STREGTH? my arm is a twig like this arrow _____????) stressed Then i was stupid enough to tell Brenden..... and HE yells "hahahahha her foot is stuck." evil (EVIL)...... emo guess who got laughed at.... then the teachure had to come over and get my foot out of the chair.....

...... and i know this isn't relvent at to the topic.... but the picture was CUTE.