ZFamous for his roles in the popular DB, DBZ, DBGT, Goku has set himself apart from all other anime superhereos. Being born on the distant alien planet known as Planet Vegeta, Goku was sent to Earth after P. Vegeta was being attacked by the ruthless Frieza. Goku crashed on Earth and found by a man by the name of Gohan. On day when Goku was still a baby, him and Gohan went on off and then Goku fell from the basket that he was staying in on the back of Grandpa Gohan. He bonked his head on rock at the bottom of a waterfall where he forgot his memory. After going to through years of battle, Goku had a child with a young woman named Chi-Chi. They named the boy Gohan after Grandpa Gohan.
Wait for tommorrow to hear the rest of Goku's life...Z
Wait for tommorrow to hear the rest of Goku's life...Z