Apearance: White hair, yellow eyes, pointed ears. (Yukino: Red eyes, sharper teeth. 'Demon': giant white wolf with yellow eyes.)

weapons: Daggers, Claws, and Teeth
Personality: Usually easy going, serious at times.
Bio: When Aiko was younger, her mother (Emi) was slaughtered by humans in front of her eyes. Bent on revenge, she went under the tutalage of her fiance (Dai) (whom her father (Shou) had chosen for her at age 12), after she soon developed an alternate personality (Yukino), who was always hungry for blood. After she got her revenge at 15, and killed the man who killed her mother, she returned home to find that her fiance had killed her father and little brother (Akihiko). He nearly killed her, but left her to suffer. She wanders around trying to find whats left of her people and Dai.
Wolf Demon RPC
Name biggrin ai

Bio: Told only if i RP with him (so, u find out when u find out XP )