Crimson Snow By: Crysta Cook
The cold night air wrapped around Elizabeth's shoulders like water from a small cloudburst. She sighed, and waited on Kyle to appear. Suddenly she heard a soft pop, and whipped her head around, leaning out the window, and saying into the pitch black that was the night, "Kyle?" Her soft voice seemed to echo into the nothingness that was her life.
.: Lily's Promise...More Like Death Proposal:.
Lily stood, and wiped her mouth from after feasting on that of the blood of a young human. She licked her lips in satisfaction, and looked to the sky. Looking up, she glared at the stars in her midst, and laughed at them. "The souls of pyres long since past, now shine down upon the strongest known vampyre ever to live." She said, to herself, and then laughed again. Leaping with great force, she bounded onto a building, and steadied herself on the ledge. With eyes dark crimson, she began hunting her prey, she watched the young humans bustle about, trying to run indoors from the terrible chill outdoors. She smiled at them, her long black hair whipping against her narrow face. "Let's find a quieter place to feast." She stated, to herself. Jumping, she flew through the tree tops, and landed outside of a small white house. Floating to the near window, Lily spotted a girl, searching frantically into the dark. Lily grinned a most wicked grin, and hovered closer. Suddenly, a male pyre stepped out in front of her, and held his hands out, pushing her back. "This house is protected, so i suggest you find your evening meal elsewhere." Kyle said, looking into the eyes of the young pyre. His carmel hair laid misshapen around his face, and his lavender eyes were as cold as the surrounding night. "You dare deny me my feast?" Lily growled at him. Kyle's eyes darted to those of the shaken Elizabeth, and then back to Lily's. "Yes, I do." He said, emotionless. Lily threw her head back and cackled. "THEN YOU MUST WANT TO FIGHT, DON'T YOU OLD MAN?" She shouted at him, her hand readied with a shadow sword that appeared from nowhere. Kyle placed his hand on blade at his side, and snickered at the young pyre. "Go elsewhere. Now. Or I'll wind up killing you," He said, almost as bitter as the cold winter air around them. A silence stood in between them, as Lily's blade vanished. She smiled, and said, "You see your little lover over there? That young beauty? She will be nothing but a memory unless you find me something to feast upon." Kyle's eyes widened at her statement, and looked to Elizabeth. He loved her so, and wouldn't let her get hurt. He spun the pyre around, and pushed her forward, guiding her to the local mall. "Here's your feast. Leave us be," Kyle snarled. He turned to walk away when Lily cursed under her breath and said, "I'll eat her alive tonight...don't you leave her alone." Kyle turned to her, eyes ablaze. He slapped her sharply across the face. "You will do no such thing!" He exclaimed, as his hand collided with her face. Lily's head snapped to the side from the force of the blow then looked to him, her eyes flashing deep crimson, and her fangs elongating. She tackled him to the ground, and stood, him on the ground. She put her foot on his throat, making it hard for him to breathe. "She's mine." Lily snarled.
.: A Surprise Visit :.
Kyle grasped Lily's ankle, struggling under her weight. He couldn't breathe, and was helpless. Lily, feeling generous, stepped off his throat, and put her thumb to Kyles neck, pressing hard, and making him black out. "If you'll excuse me, I have a nice, tender dinner to attend to," She taunted, then licked his cheek. "Mmm..Tastes better with age..." She said, then raised her eyebrows a bit. Lily lept from building to building, then coming upon the small white house again, and Elizabeth at her window. Lily watched people go by, and saw a girl with a dog come to Elizabeth's window. She stated her name, and asked Elizabeth to come to her home, for protection, until Kyle returned. Elizabeth accepted the offer, and climbed out her window, down beside the girl, and they walked to the girl's home, next door. Lily smirked, when she saw a human peering out at her. "What do you want?!" She screeched. The male human looked at her. "....It's nothing...." He replied, then walked over and sat on a bench. "What a day," He said to himself. Lily walked to him, dropping her long black cloak on the ground. "Hello there, handsome." She growled. The male's head snapped up within a moment. "Hello? Who are you?" He stuttered, as Lily ran her finger along his jaw. "I'm your worst nightmare," she smirked. "And you are?" The male's eyes searched her's, then said, "I'm Erik.." He put his hand on the nape of her neck, and pulled her close. Lily snickered, and said, "Don't you want to run?" Erik shook his head, then kissed her gently. Lily pulled back from him. "Why'd you stop? What was your motive?" Erik asked. "Don't you know a vampyre's motive already?" Erik shook his head. "I'm afraid not." Lily's eyes flashed deep crimson, and her fangs elongated. "Our motive....is...." She let out a screech, then belted at the top of her lungs, "TO KILL!" She then plunged her fangs into his neck. Erik gasped softly, then his body de-tensed. His eyes faded, and he used the last bit of his strength to say, "Goodbye..." Lily didn't care, nor should she have. She pulled from his neck, and ripped open his stomach, feasting on the blood on the inside. Standing, Lily licked her lips, her blood lust increasing, and cackled. She floated over behind a tree, and stood there. She watched little Elizabeth sleep inside the other girl's house. Changing her voice to make her sound like a male, she called to her. "Oh Elizabeth..It's me...Kyle...Come here, my love..." She giggled manically behind the tree, and waited.... Elizabeth sat up, hearing the voice of her love. "Kyle?" She said, standing, and practically running to his voice. The dark around her made it seemingly impossible to see. Her hands searched frantically, as she looked for Kyle. "Where are you?!" She shouted in the darkness. "Elizabeth~." Lily dragged on. "I'm here love. Come find me~." She stifled her giggles as she waited, and in the soft azure glow of the moon, she saw Elizabeth step forward. "K..Kyle..?" She said, softly. Lily's crimson eyes appeared in the black background. " 'Fraid not, My dear," Her hollow voice echoed. Elizabeth's eyes grew wide in terror. "Not you! Where's Kyle...But how.." She stuttered. Lily floated to her, mocking her surprise. "Oh deary me, child. You thought i was your lover?" Lily cackled, whilst running her fingers along Elizabeth's collar bone. "Such tender Flash, My love," Lily groaned. "You look more and more appetizing with the growing moments~."