The frineds walked down the winding street in silence. The sun was balzing through the sky turning the sky a soft orangish color. The day was ending, and the girls hadn't really gone to shcool! HAHA! I sure wish I could do that. -_- The day had gone by so quickly, and too many things had come up..sOOooooo thus, it was preety much a "skip shcool and act stupid day" Thye continued walking on if silence, and soon enough the friends began to part. First it was KT, who left her friends and yelled, " SHPOOF!" as she got to the door. Megan, who didn't have really anyplace to go to at the time, decided to go find Kurama, and parted the group with a poke to each of her friends.
Sakura and Billy were ldft walking together and just as Sakura was about to turn the corner and head home, she saw something in the distance. " Oh, my ******** gosh..BILLY LOOK!" She pointed ahead of them, and with a dramatic pasuse, along with the imfamous slow-motin bit, Billy turned her heand ans gasped in horror. " J-JAVERT!!" OMG!! SO EXITING iSN"T IT!! I thnk I might piss my oants. Isn't sarcasim funny?
Billy ran over to her lover, and bent down beside him. He was all bruised up, his nose was bleeding and he had spare change surrounding him. " OH MY GOD!" Sakura gasped, smacking her face with her hands cupped to her face. " JAVERT'S BEEN ATTACKED BY THE MONEY MONSTER!!!" Her attempt to lighten the mood was not as nearly effective as she had hoped it would've been. Her friend's eyes were brimming with concern, and she lifted him up and held him in her arms. " Oh, my Javvie..what happened to you?" Silence brewed in the air, as they stayed still in fear. " I-I think I have an idea." Sakura said silently. " I think, we should take him to Kurama, he would know what to do." As Sakura said that, her friend turned around and nodded. " Yes."
" Hiei. You really should have thought this out a bit better." The red-haired demon, said shaking his head with a sigh. Hiei paced around the room with a a nervous look on his face. " well, I-I don't know, how should I ask here? I don't know how to do this stuff!" The black-haired demon threw up his arms and slumped down to the floor, letting out a heavy sigh. " I- I have never asked anyone to marry me's all so NEW."
Kurama nodded his head, understanding fully of what his friend meant. " Yes, I know that Hiei. But," He said with his emerald eyes flashing. " you might want to collect yourself becuase-"
The room was then at that moment filled with the sound of the rapping at the door.
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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heart When your avi dreams of being a Game Grump heart

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![]() Yuki-Sahoma18 Community Member ![]() |
Madame Javert
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Hehehe, Hiei is funny when he's nervous! xd whee
grr...EVIL CLIFF-HANGER!! evil gonk crying .......heh.. sweatdrop