woot my forst journal entry x333
I bet there aren't a whole bunch of people who ever heard of this one. Ayreon, one of my all time favourite bands. heart 3nodding heart the music is very varying but sticks a bit to space symphony style. the main artist is the Dutch A.A. Lucassen. for each album he makes, he offers a whole range of different artists a guest role in the songs. exclaim
the music overall is varieing between operalike songstresses and heavy guitars to very soft and melancholic sounding ballads. obvious is the influence of medieval melody-lines which he perfectly moulds together with modern-day techniques and instruments. this type of music definitly isn't for those who like R&B and such,because it's far from regular.
A.A. Lucassen writes his lyrics and music himself, which results to a range of returning themes like increase of Technoligy at the expense of the world, human emotions (or a lack thereoff), fantasies and comarisons between the past, the present and the future.
if you might be interested in Ayreon, you can visit www.ayreon.com and find some samples, lyrics and information there. wink
lemmi know if you had any help with finding a new band through me or if you have any tips for me ^^
luv, Eran mrgreen
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my music diary
lols yeah, just felt like sharing my musical taste with the world of Gaia, maybe someone will find something they like!
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