2k - chibi doodle
5k - head shot b&w
10k - head shot color
25k - bust b&w
35k - bust color
40k - single b&w
50k - single color
80k - couple b&w
100k - couple color
Anything striked out is stuff I don't feel like doing at the moment.
If you want something that is striked out, you'll might be able to bribe me.
Chibi Doodle
When Ordering:
-PM me with your order because of all the scammer PMs lately, I've had to turn my PMs to friends only; so unless you are on my friendslist, leave a comment on this journal with your order instead
-I need a tektek of all avatars to be drawn
-send a trade with the gold amount, and after I accept the first time, you accept it on your side (I won't finish the trade until I send you the art)
1. IonFortuna - single color
2. snoopythechinchilla - single color
Do NOT order if my slots are full, please!
Just check back later to see when they are open again!
Or leave a comment and I will inform you when there are slots open.
Please don't expect your art the day that you order it, especially if there are people in front of you on the list.
Also, if you want to check on the progress of your order, look here.