The harsh winds famous to Mortichai's northern expanses burnt the face of Kristoph Drorvageus; the newest among the nation's much renowned and feared Dragon Brigade. After successfully stopping the raids on a village deep in the Vrasma Mountains. Kristoph was on his way home with three of his fellow riders. Tempest, Kristoph's dragon, flew low and fast in order to get his rider home quickly. The heavy leathers, rider armor, and cloak did little against the cold northern winds, and Tempest's flying made things worse. Kristoph looked over the side in an attempt to get his bearings, and was quickly blinded by sunlight reflected from the snow-covered mountains. "I'll never understand why the elements bother you humans so much", Tempest said in an attempt to alleviate his rider's discomfort. "Unlike you I can't breathe fire to warm up", Kristoph replied in a chattering voice. "I wont be able to breathe fire until I near the peak of my growth, and so you don't have to ask that wont be happening for about four to five months. You should have listened to your lessons a little better; if you did you would know that I don't gain that ability as fast as other breeds. I could land for a while if you'd like", Tempest offered in reply. "We both know, as much as I'd love to be able to feel my extremities again, that I must be present when the rest of the troop lands in Andras and gives their reports to Her Majesty", Kristoph's words finalized the conversation. Tempest was a Shantal's Trident breed- one of the rarer breeds and the rider chosen was one of extreme potential; not even Her Majesty, Queen Galdial XXIII, had one- that helped give Mortichai its air superiority. Tridents were known for their keen intelligence and excellent speed, and were identified by the sapphire and ivory colored scales; their only downfall was their love for battle making them quick targets for all kinds of ballista.
By nightfall the riders were in the middle of the mountains and fast approaching their destination, Mortichai's capital Andras. Trumpets could be heard from below and lights were lit shortly after Piose, a fellow rider and troop commander, lit a green flair signaling that it was the riders. Upon landing in the designated clearing outside of the city, the riders were overwhelmed by townsfolk who were cheering the heroes of Dormas on. Kristoph was grabbed and lifted back into his saddle by Tempest before he was run over by the throng. "Be careful, I would hate to lose you after I saved you back at Dormas when you jumped out of so you could play hero. Need I remind you that you forgot how many of those raiders were back there, or you didn't think of the fifteen-foot drop right into the middle of them; which almost broke your legs? Oh yes and my personal favorite, when you forgot to drop your lance in exchange for your sword and charged into close quarters battle surrounded", Tempest said, half jokingly. "What can I say? I'm a sucker for the whole damsel in distress, too bad she was married. She was really cute!” Kristoph returned in equal jest. After sharing a few more jabs at each other, Kristoph dismounted again and fought through the throng, with some considerable aid from Tempest, making his way to the garrison and stables. When he arrived at the stables he woke a young stable-hand with a fresh round face and ordered him to remove Tempest's saddle and harnesses, feed him, and then wash him down while Kristoph made his reports to his superiors. Kristoph entered the throne room just in time to get a fresh tongue lashing for his reckless behavior back in Dormas, but was pleased to find a few were commending him for his bravery and protecting the lives of the people. After giving his report to Her Majesty he was allowed a few days liberty before he traveled to Kalleon, Mortichai's neighbor, to support the army in dealing with a band of dark elves killing citizens in the name of their god.
Kristoph used his time off to brush up on his swordplay and to go down to a tavern called The Queen's Respite to see a waitress he's been trying to get the courage to ask out. Arriving in the tavern, Kristoph took his usual seat near the hearth where a deer had been roasting. The waitress, Ferasi, was nearby when he sat down and flashed a smile his way. She went over to drop an order off with a group of sell- swords that were regulars at the tavern. Kristoph took his time to look around and take in his surroundings. A group of men Kristoph hadn't seen before were a few tables down; and by the color on their faces they had a few too many. Ferasi came over to Kristoph and asked, "Hello Kristoph, the usual today?" "Not today, I think I'd like to have some High Elf Wine and maybe some dinner with you?" he asked in earnest. Ferasi smiled as her pale face began to flush, "Sure, I am free at around 8 if you'd like to come back", and with that she turned and walked off giving Kristoph a good view of her backside. He didn't get long to enjoy the moment when one of the men down the way grabbed her and tried to fondle her. Outraged by this, Kristoph came to her rescue by smashing a mug full of ale into the offender's face. One of his comrades began to stand up and was immediately put back down when Kristoph delivered a fist to his throat. The rest of the group began to stand up, and the one whose face was hit by the mug was drawing a dagger. He never got to finish the motion because one of the sell-swords broke a chair over his head. "Now thar’s four of youn's left and one of him; ya'll wont be needin' weapons now will ya'?" the sell sword asked. When the first one moved to attack Kristoph rewarded him for his bravery by punching him in his hooked shaped nose, then a quick knee to the gut, and finished up with a short elbow to his mouth; bringing a few teeth free. Kristoph ducked down in time as a punch sailed over his head harmlessly. Turning about, Kristoph kicked out the man's knee and brought his face down into a table, breaking the edge off before the man's face hit the ground. The larger of the men grabbed Kristoph in full nelson and the two left standing began to work in on Kristoph. Kristoph drove his heel down onto the man's toes and flipped over bringing the behemoth along for the ride. Before the fight could go on any longer, the militia had come in and broke things up. Kristoph was allowed to walk free when his identity as a member of the Dragon Brigade was confirmed. The rest of his evening went uneventful as his date was cancelled with Ferasi because he was ordered to return to the castle and face his division commander's wrath for the fight.
Early the next morning Kristoph departed from Andras aboard Tempest towards the nation of Markham. The flight was shorter than the trip to Dormas and the troop arrived at the capital city, Zeorik, before midday. Piose, the troop commander, went speak with the local generals on the elf's tactics and on where they might strike next. Kristoph sat up late along with the other two from his troop waiting on word from his commander. Tempest had fallen fast asleep beside him. Sleep's embrace began to take over Kristoph when Piose had burst in ordering everyone to prepare to depart immediately. They had to ride south to an enclave in the mountains where the generals believed the dark elves had taken refuge. As it approached midnight the riders were in the air heading south. They flew until the sun was beginning to break over the fog-covered mountains, and they had arrived at their destination. The troop began to circle overhead to see if any defenses had been built; when none were visually present Ronald began his descent towards the opening. Jouves, Ronald's dragon, began to breathe fire into the opening in an attempt to flush out the elves and to take a few out before hand. This tactic paid off when several of the drow were running out, clothes ablaze. A few of the drow archers climbed up and started firing arrows at the riders. Tempest's scale armor easily deflected most arrows, but a few pierced the thin sapphire membrane wings. Roaring in pain, Tempest flailed back and dislodged Kristoph into a group of the dark elves. Recovering quickly, Kristoph discarded his lance in favor of his sword. The elves laughed as they drew their swords and daggers, knowing that they were better swordsman than any human. Tempest, seeing his rider's danger, came down on top of the elves and roared violently, and the elves faces went from confidence to all out fear. Before they could turn and run, Tempest roared again and this time crimson fire came spraying from his great maw; bringing the remainder of the elves down in short order. Kristoph stood dumbfounded and only could say, "What the hell happened for four or five months?" Tempest brought his face close to Kristoph's, and Kristoph could only gaze into the large black slits with fear as a deep rumbling sound came from Tempest's gut. Realizing that this was laughter Kristoph flopped down on the ground and Tempest sat down beside him. The two sat side-by-side watching the sun finish rising and the fog lift. Tempest broke the silence by saying, "You really have to learn to stay in the saddle more". Kristoph fell back in uncontrolled laughter for the first time in years. After he regained his wits and wiped the tears from his eyes he looked Tempest up and down realizing that he had found a life long friend in Tempest.
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