Today was pretty cool.
I was on the bus, telling myself, 'Okay. Today, I am going to be at peace with myself. No war within me. I will be... I will be... I dunno what I'll be, but I'll have fun being whatever it is that I'm going to be that I don't know. If that made any sense, that is...' I was somewhat cheerful for a while. Before last period started, I decided that I was going to devote myself to doing good in school. That Science period, I payed extra attention, took extra notes, and actually enjoyed it. It was cool. The busride was cool. We were playing Truth or Dare. Only about three people did their dares, though. >.>; Anyway. Did I tell you people that I am now officially liking Juan and NOT ZAK? I know. Wow, right? Anyway. NO one is allowed to tease me. >< Ah. As I was saying. Brianna dared Juan to kiss me on the cheek. Unfortunately, he didn't. xp Like all the other people who were dared something. I heard them talking, and I hear Juan say, 'She likes Zak, not me.' See, the whole thing was actually planned by Brianna and me. >.>; I was pretending to do my homework(which I actually was doing before), but I was straining my ears to listen. YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE HOW HARD IT WAS NOT TO SMILE. I tried to put my hair behind my ear like it wasn't obvious. See, Brianna and I planned that she would be discreet about daring Juan, so that I 'wouldn't' hear it. And she said, 'It's the element of surprise! She's not even gonna see you coming. Just go for it and get it over with.' Teehee. >.>;;;; Anyway.
Uhm... yeah. I have tons of homework, and I'mma get slaughtered if I'm caught on Gaia. Buh-bye!
P.S. I got this Japanese book for travellers from the Library. It rocks. <3 It has some Katakana and Hiragana in it. I memorized how to write, 'Riko' in Katakana by heart. It's so easy it's funny... I've been writing on everything all day. >.>;;;
[.Rikocette.Echoes.] · Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 11:03pm · 9 Comments |