HAHAHA "I has a force field!" Thats comical! The person how put it on the cat though is EVIL!
And have you ever had somthing that was bothering you and you just cant see it? well look at your nose you might find a HuGe wasp siting there! If not then scream U're a loser. heres a pic of that.

Have you ever felt that someone or something never belonged. or theres some thing wrong with someone next to you? We know how you feel.

Then there are the days when you feel as if you could crush anyone who chalenges you! scream WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! stare yeah....

there are also times when even i feel like someones been watching me....

When you actually challenge an old person who probably was the only dinosaur to survive the metor that hit earth centuries ago at chess and lose, this is what you look like. blaugh

Then there is the cold irony of making something for someone, then you cant resist and eat it anyway.

....Then there are the creepy moments where you hear things. ........ But it better not get this bad!

welll that was fun while it lasted, better save some material for later. blaugh Bye! heart