Halloween '08
Hello! Happy Late Halloween everyone. x3
Comment on my journal, what did you do on Halloween? Did you dress up?

This year I went trick-or-treating, and I got looads of candy. Not as much as last year though. Ah, I wish I got more. D:
I want enough to last for my entire lifetime. If that's possible.
x3 I loove sweet stuff. Halloween's my second fav. holiday next to Christmas.
I like holidays a lot.
Now Halloween is over, I guess I still have Thanksgiving to look forward to.
The Gaia Halloween event was pretty fun. I joined the dark elves. It's nice being blue all over with pointy ears, but too much people are dark elves! xd So after the Hysterica, I bought Human A Potion from Skin Tyte and turned back into a human.
Currently Skin Tyte won't let me exchange any more tattoos. neutral Even though I have more than enough inks and more than enough gold on hand. (I checked on tektek.org.)
I also have a new profile theme. I've been preferring plainer ones nowadays, because advanced and cluttery and flashy ones are easy to get tired of.

Rozen Maiden
DN Angel
Yupyup. The song on my profile right now is also from Bleach. :3