____ » ьαѕιcs
__ » name ;; Reigne Elidor
__ » age ;; Roughly 150
__ » date of birth ;; Summer First
__ » place of birth ;; Dragon Mountain
__ » gender ;; Male
__ » species ;; Dragon
__ » title ;; Prince
__ » family ;; Father - Deceased
Mother - Aegis, currently living a secluded life inside the mountains
Sister - Iris, older. Currently fighting in the war.
Brother - Faris, currently missing.
____ » ℓιғε
__ » biography ;; A rather lucky individual. He is the 'baby' of his family, and is considered very young in his clan. As such, his powers have not grown up to their full potential and he is rather spoiled. His father was the head of his clan until his unfortunate death nearly 100 years ago. Since his father's death, the responsibility of his family and clan went to his mother. Broken hearted and rather depressed, her health is failing. As such, the responsibility would fall on Reigne's shoulders should she pass away due to the mysterious and unexplained disappearance of his older brother. As such, he decided to leave his home and his country in order to find his brother and stay away from that responsibility.
He eventually traveled to Erd, hoping to find information about his brother while he was there. Getting nothing but rumors and gossip, he eventually went looking for a job; managing to find one on a ship as canon control. He is excited and impatient about the journey, because it gives him a chance to see more of the world, see beautiful young women, and he wants to see the legendary city. He also sees it as a chance to find his brother, or fake his own death if he needs to.
__ » personality ;; Hot headed and temperamental, like most of his race. He dislikes being told what to do or being told that he is wrong. He is stubborn, and tends not to listen even in important situations. His mind also tends to wonder, and he also tends to be very rude to men and other people he does not like. He tends only to like the company of women, or his own kind. His kind has a strong rivalry with the dwarves.
He tends to rush quickly into things without thinking, often getting hurt in the process. He tends to disregard other lives outside his own, and is rather selfish and self-centered. He likes to tease other people (especially other men) and likes making other people angry. He also likes to throw his weight around, though there is very little to toss around.
____ » ℓооқѕ
__ » height ;; Varies, tends to be about 6'
__ » weight ;; Varies, tends to be about 150 lbs.
__ » hair color ;; Varies, naturally white
__ » eye color ;; Black
__ » links ;;XX
__ » equipment ;; All he really carries with him is a special sword forged from dragon scales. It is stronger than normal metals, and reacts strongly with his fire abilities.
__ » everyday clothing ;; Tends to vary depending on his mood. He likes lightweight and flashy clothing. He usually wears lighter colored pants, or neutral shades (like brown, gray, blues) and a long white tunic. Over that he usually wears a bright colored vest (mostly red and gold).
__ » physical description ;; His physical appearance tends to vary depending on his mood, since his humanoid form is not exactly his natural appearance. His hair is naturally white, but he usually changes the color to get more attention or when he is bored, and he can also change the length and texture as he pleases. More often than naught he appears as a tall, slender, beautiful elvish creature.
He also has the ability to call on his draconian traits and add them to his humanoid form, sprouting horns, claws, scales, and wings as he desires. He tends to think highly of his appearance, and works hard to look attractive.
____ » qυιяқѕ
__ » talents ;; As far as dragons go he is rather dimwitted, but he still tends to understand most native languages. He has good eyesight, and a better sense of smell than humans. He can also breathe fire (though he is not that good at it) and fly. His real talent is his shape shifting.
__ » skills ;;He has decent combat skills, pretty good aim, and is a decent flier.
__ » magic abilities ;; Though naturally a fire breather, he is also able to call fire out of his body and use it as magic.
__ » weapons ;;A special sword forged of dragon scales, and his claws.
__ » likes ;;
-The Mountains
-Hot Weather
-Being in the limelight
__ » dislikes ;;
-Most Men
-Senseless Wars
-Being Ignored
-Snobbish People
__ » strengths ;; His major strengths include - his flying ability, his shape shifting abilities in combat, and his keen eyesight.
__ » weaknesses ;; His brash personality, Water, Ice, and Earth based magic, and bing told "no".
__ » fears ;; His greatest fear is being rejected, or having to take responsibility for a death, or several deaths. He is also terrified of being left alone, or being left behind.
__ » hobbies ;; His hobbies include: drinking, singing loudly, flirting with women, and ticking people off.
__ » strange quirks ;; He is obsessed with cute animals, like puppies, small rodents, and kittens. He tends to hoard them and talk to them in a baby voice.
__ » most painful experience ;; His most painful experience would have to be when he learned that his father had been killed, and watching his mother's slow decline in physical and mental health. Watching his mother die and being unable to do anything had a large impact on his mental state.
__ » happiest experience ;; The first time he was able to fly. The pure joy of soaring over everyone else, and being on top of the world was the most memorable experience for him. It puts his heart at ease to remember.
__ » sexual preference ;; Women
__ » significant other ;; None
__ » ambitions ;; He wants to see the entire world and meet as many people as he can, find his brother, and keep his freedom.
__ » past occupations ;; Spoiled Rotten Prince
__ » username ;;summonergirl001