Ryota Kamachi, a twenty-four-year-old young man who loved his life. He had a lovely time strolling around, watching his younger brother's baseball games. He always cared for his younger brother, Tadao Kamachi. Ryota's life was mainly to watch Tadao. (without the special cloths <3) --> 
Tadao Kamachi, a fourteen-year-old boy who stays with his older brother. Tadao and Ryota's parents both died after Tadao was born. Ryota has always been a father to him. But their family changed after Tsukiko came along.
Tsukiko Matokai, a twenty-three-year-old young lady who was an orphan and took care of herself and her brother. She has been alone since she was four. She slept in the orphanage and once she was fifteen, she went to go work for a bakery. Her younger brother, Sadao Matokai, who played baseball on Tadao's team.
Sadao Matokai, a fourteen-year-old boy who was always taken care of by his sister. He dearly loved her and didn't want her to leave for work every morning. She was so glad when she said she'd come to his games.
Ryota was watching Tadao play one of his many baseball games. He was leaning on the fence, chewing a tooth pick when he noticed a girl walk past. He really thought she was pretty, in a dark way too. She noticed him and waved, smiling sweetly. Ryota's eyes grew large, luckily his coat hid his cheeks since he blushed, and he waved back. He thought she was too young for him and continued watching his brother play.
His brother ran to him after the game, giving him a hug. "Hey Ryoo-kun! Did you see how I played? Did I do well?" "Yes, Tada-kun. You did wonderful.'' Ryota replied, smiling. Ryota looked around, looking for the girl he saw earlier and finally saw her. Tadao say where he was looknig and pulled on his arm. "That's my friend Sadao's sister, Tsukiko. She's really nice. She's a year younger that you, you know." Tadao said. Ryota decided to go meet Tsukiko and walked with his brother tugging at his arm. He still wondered what she was like. "SAAAAAADAAAO-SAN!!!!!!!" Tadao said, running to his friend, laughing. "TAAAAAADAAAOOO-SAN!" Sadao cheered, smiling and waving. "Tsukiko-chan? Sadao-san? This is my brother I talked about, Ryota-kun." Tadao said, proudly. "So this is the wonders you talked about...?" Tsukiko said, looking at him up and down. Ryota looked away, feeling embarrassed. He liked her, thought she was cute. "Yep! Isn't he AWESOME?!?" Tadao said, cheerfully. "How about you two head over to our house and we can hang out?" "I don't mind. I can make dinner, if you don't mind." Ryota offered. "Alright. Let's head over to your house." Tsukiko said, smirking at Ryota.
Ryota, Tadao, Tsukiko, and Sadao met up at Ryota and Tadao's house. Tadao and Sadao ran into Tadao's room to play. Tsukiko stood near Ryota, watching him cook. "Ryota-kun...do you ave any more of those clothes you wear?" she asked him, smiling coyly. "I knew you'd ask. I bought some just in case a lady like you asked. Go into my room. It's on my bed. Straight down the hall and open the door. When you're done, close the door, I'd rather not have them in my room." he replied, smirking. Tsukiko walked into his room and saw the clothes. She quickly got dressed, came out, closed the door and walked to Ryota.
"Tsukiko-chan!!! You look lovely. Sit, please. So we can chat." Ryota said staring at her in awe. He thought she looked lovely. They sat down, sitting together quietly. "So...Ryota-k-" Ryota quickly cut Tsukiko off by saying "Call me Ryo-kun...please." "Alright, Ryo-kun." She said, smirking. Tsukiko twiddled her thumbs, thinking of something to say. She couldn't quite think of a topic to talk about. Nor did Ryota. They were clueless. "Well, would you like some tea, Tsukiko-chan? I don't mind making some." Ryota offered. "Oh.....I wouldn't mind some tea right now. That's be lovely." Tsukiko replied. "What type do you want, Tsukiko-chan? I have mainly every type of tea." "Chamomile tea would be splended , Ryo-kun. It's my favorite." "Oh really? It's my favorite also...." "Mmhmm..." Tsukiko said softly. "Is there anything that you wanted to do while you're here?'' Ryota asked politely. "Well...." Tsukiko looked away shyly. "I don't know if you want to.." "Go ahead. Tell me. I've got all the time in the world." "Well...I was thinking...we could leave the boys here and we could head over to my house for a bit." "Tsukiko-chan. That's a lovely idea. I'll go tell the boys" Ryota said, smiling. He walked out of the kitchen and into the hall. He quickly went into his room and packed some what thay call 'normal' clothes. He stuffed them in his jacket pocket and folded up her clothes, putting them in his other pocket and he briskly walked to the boys room. He knocked his special knock on Tadao's door. The boys opened the door and looked at Ryota. "Boys, Tsukiko and I are going to b.e out for a while. We'll be back later. Stay out of trouble and don't go into my room ok?" "Ok, Ryoo-kun" Tadao replied and shut the door, laughing. Just in case, Ryota walked to his door and locked it, taking the key with him. He walked back to the kitchen where Tsukiko sat. "Ready, Tsukiko-chan?" Ryota asked. "As ready as you are." she replied. "Then let's go. Jump on my back, we'll go faster." Ryota said. Tsukiko jumped up onto Ryota's back and Ryota grabbed her hands and started running. He went from one mile per hour to 45 miles per hour. Tsukiko stayed quiet, but she was halfly frightened at the same time. They ended up at Tsukiko's house thee minutes after they started running. Tsukiko jumped off of his back and started to stumble. Ryota quickly scooped her up in his arms. "Be careful, Tsukiko-chan." Ryota said, carrying her into the house. He opened the door and set her down on the recliner in the living room. He smiled at her and sat down next to her. Tsukiko smirked and to Ryota's surprise, a wink with her left eye was directed to Ryota. To his dismay, his coat was unbuttoned around his face so Tsukiko could see him blushing.
Echrono · Tue Nov 11, 2008 @ 01:04am · 0 Comments |