This is comical and in no way reflects how I feel about myself. And I'm bragging about my character anyway, not me. :3
First, there was nothing. Then, there was loads of stuff. Nothing happened in between. EXCEPT RHY3756547. (ultimate theme song) (title sequence)
RHY3756547 lived through the ages, was sentient through caveman ages, survived Ice ages, cheated death with bribes of gold. Tribes soon developed but RHY3756547 destroyed them by cracking his fingers and walked along in his immortal paradise. Civilization appeared, and RHY3756547 became the richest of all of them. Then, the age of Gaia began, and he bought his mansion and Ferarri, waiting for more epic adventures to occur.
But unfortunately he now lacks gold emo , and is unable to continue his awesome way through life. Please. Donate. sweatdrop
That is all my friends. To all, a goodnight. 3nodding
stare <span id="test23958403">. . .</span><br/><div id="post23958403" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"></div>