"Peter!!! Get up, Peter!!! C'mon!!!" my mother urged me. "*Yawn*... okay... whuheverz..." I dragged myself out of bed. Great... High School... I thought as I tiredly pulled on a My Chemical Romance T-shirt. After getting dressed, I trudged down the spiral staircase of our estate. Sadly, trudging wasn't my best choice of transportation... as my feet feet decided to give out from under me.
"OW!!!...stupid feet..." I could already tell today was not my kind of day. "Geez, Peter! You're such a klutz!" my smart-alecky younger brother, Joseph, replied. "Shut up, Jo...ow..." I urged myself up & went to the kitchen. All of the food was mine & my mother's... except for the half-eaten carcus of a deer in the freezer (yes, in the garage, thank God). I reached into the fridge for an apple, Macintosh, of course. "Dude, why don't you eat like us? You're always eating that garbage...ugh..." Andrew, one of my older brothers, remarked. I just rolled my eyes as they chowed down on what looked like raw meat...gross. I just took a bite of my apple & sucked on it. Yes, I suck on my apples. "Peter, please... don't suck on your apples..."
"Sorry, Mother.... it's a habit.... I guess it's in my blood--" HONK HONK!!! "Oh, crap!!! I gotta go!!!" "Bye, honey! Have fun at school!!♥"
((I'm copying this down from a story I had written a while ago... to be continued!))