Bleh world . stressed While Im very just sorta grr at the moment! WHY? because I found why zack has a dumb girlfriend! All because one of her friends made her... I mean see nice but just going out with somebody just because somebody to them to is just stupid. And in much, much better news kaferin might have a boyfriend!! mrgreen I really hope it works out for her. Good luck! Todays rating 3 and 8ish at the same time some parts suck others rocked. Bleh I confuse my self... Oh well. And agian I wayyyyyyy bored because I nothing better to do For about a hour or so. And I dont know how to kill it. xp Doom. So I have been thinking I have found that I am crazy. DO you argee? Leave comment. Thanks. I just want to yell about random stuff so I am going to type a very random paper thingie from here on out. Favortive song: I dont know what its called... xp emo Dumbest thing today: Zack and nef. Smartest thing today: eating mac and chesse for dinner Funniest thing all day: Math class ( im surpised I dont get detention or iss or whatever in there) Wow long postness! yeah! Well I still feel like taping but I wants lots of gaia moneys so cont in next post!