The link to my forum page!
Kyu-Ketsuki, formally known as Muketsu and shall be mentioned so in his story,
was born on the planet of Gran Canaria and raised among his parents, zoners.
For about 13 years he had a fascination with death . . a kind of "cultist" thing,
you might say, from age 6 to 19.
One day, at the age of coming, 19 for his family, he came upon an ancient book.
Yes, a book. His great-grandparents gave it to him, and only him, and told him to
keep it a secret from EVERYONE else. Finally, after a whole year of it's secrecy, and
after the death of his "givers," he opened he book and looked over it's secrets . . .
chinoame . . . . bloodshed . . .
kekkon . . . . bloodstain . . .
chimamire . . . . "the" bloodstained . . .
tairyo_satsujin . . . . blood baths . . .
This was the ancient arts and secrets of the Vuxanpaia. [The vampires.]
It spoke of everything that they did to survive over the millenias . . .
It spoke of the one thing that could kill a Vuxanpaia, a chigatana. [A bloody dagger, soaked
in the blood of another vampire.]
It spoke of the feeling that you get when you become Vuxanpaia, the feeling of
being satsubatsu, or bloodthirsty. It was described in great detail even.
It even told how to become a vampire without coming into contact with another Vuxanpaia.
First . . . kill . . . second .. drink . . third . . bathe . . . fourth . . . repeat steps 1-3 until you
achieve the wanted effects.
Muketsu scoffed at it, but he tried and tried, till, when he turned 21 exactly to the hour,
he could feel he needed . . . .
Hoketsu . . . . [blood replenishment . . .]
Muketsu knew his time had come, he had been awaiting his time since he first learnt of the Vuxanpaia.
He was ready. Muketsu quit his job of trading with the zoners to run screaming to his ship and
take a few "willing" passengers with him.
It was now his time to rise. His time to start a legion of the dead .. no . . . not a legion of
the dead . . .. no dead . .. . the fumetsu. [The undying.]
Muketsu, quickly stealing his records, all of them, and burning them, he adopted the name of
Banpaia, which means vampire of course, and flew his ship, the
Kyu-Ketsuki, to a different system.
After days of travel, days of satsubatsu quivering . . . he found a fresh supply. Civilians, BH, LPI,
LN, all he could ever ask for flew to this strangely active system name New York!
Muketsu found what he was looking for: ketsueki [blood].
And he would kill everything and anyone to get it .. ..
[Ship Loadout:]
Virage --- reason(s) = Simple: most people do not use it, and it's not very well-known, it's perfect, eheheh.
[Weapons, etc., Loadout:]
4 Vampire 4's --- reason(s) = come on, is this one that hard to explain?
2 Sidewinders --- reason(s) = Well, from what I've seen in game, after you get their shields down,
you blast'm with this here missile! I have never tried this out, but it seems reasonably simple.
Nuclear Mine --- reason(s) = It's for when people go behind me .. .
Train CD --- reason(s) = As a Vuxanpaia, he kills the weaker, not TOO weak, just enough, I mean. So he
needs a CD instead of a torpedo, so he can catch his prey.
Heavy CM --- reason(s) = Well, usually when I flee, I use theses, righty?
Adv. Barrier HF Shield --- reason(s) = It's molecular and will help against most of my enemies.
Enhanced Thruster --- reason(s) = It's more energy efficient than most, and I can't
go and get a nomad thruster just because I want to, so this is the best I can get on the paycheck I have
at the moment.
Advanced Cargo Scanner --- reason(s) = As a Vuxanpaia I will need to be able to scan them first from
afar so I will know if I can attack or not. I will need to be able to scan them before they scan me.
Armor Upgrade MK VIII --- reason(s) = Well, first of all, I might have to get something lower, but hopefully
not because of my ship's already quite low hull. But anywayz, this is to protect me in fights and against radiation.
Alrighty then! ID, right? Well, for now, I will sport a fashionable Pirate ID.
If the admin approve, I would like a Terrorist ID, please.
Oh, and I will only dock at Zoner, Junker, Hogasha, GC, and IMG [my weapons], and
last but definitely not least, Phantom[or at least I hope to gain that, please?].
I will name my char exactly as the title states: [Vamp]Kyu-Ketsuki
Anyway, thank you for reading this far! Congratz! It's the end of the transmission.
So .. . good ratings!
[But no, it's not a "fantasy" thing, he just feels what humans do,
just in different words and a tad different . . . >.>]
TsukiMizu [Moon's Water]
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My dream avi is the one I have now. ^-^