1.I have nappy hair.
2. English 2 is my favorite subject this year.
3. I got molested by a mustache man when I was 5.
4. How I knew the word "rape" at that age is still a mystery to me.
5.I have hazel eyes.
6. I'm Cuban, despite what you might think
7. when i was little i wanted to be a hand model.
8. i have an incredible imagination, it i my source of entertainment when the gd fails me.
9. i draw anime.
10. no I'm not a weeabo... stare
11. i consider myself extremely ugly.
12. my first ever time on the internet was in 2001.
13. my first ever computer game was pajama sam "afraid of the dark" or something like that.
14. my first cat was in Cuba and he died in a car accident.
15. my second cat was about 4-5 years ago and we had her for about a year. She had nine babies, all of which were either stolen mysteriously or killed in car accidents. neutral
15. I'm lazy and i procrastinate constantly. even now.
16.i like grapes. like... really really like grapes.
17. i hate apple cider and cranberry juice.
18. i love eggnog. 8D
19. has Asian drama obsession.
20. i love cats more than any other animal, especially big cats.
21. dogs are my least favorite. next to bears.
22. ironically, i love panda bears. especially fat ones. 8D
23. demi is my favorite artist on deviantart.
24. i live with my mom dad and cousin.
25.. my parents like to make me believe they'll divorce soon but they never do... so i'm just gonna stop telling my friends.
26. i haven't seen my family for like a year so they like to tell me how thin i've gotten but in fact it's just that i grew 3 inches.
27. i never like beer.
28. never had an irl bf, but plenty of online ones. neutral
29. I'm studying German.
30. I'm really tired but it's only 8:30
31. i like interesting funny people because i lack in that area.
32. i wear glasses because i have -3 vision.
33. ******** an established religion, i'll make my own.
34. I always wanted to make my own language to teach my kids.
35. i like game shows.
36. people with annoying voices annoy me.
37. I sometimes ponder death, not because I'm "sck of lyfe" but because i wonder if any of us was right. and if not, i want to roam the cosmos in search of aliens. or maybe get re-born? ;D
38. i use smiley's a lot.
39. ******** you dad.
40. god this is hard, i know nothing of myself.
41, I'm ticklish, but I'm not cute enough. D:
42. i don't know what that last one had to do with being ticklish.
43. i sing.except not really.
44. i draw. except not really.... didn't i already say this?
45. i love someone, except not really.
46. i wear black too much.
47. i haven't bought new clothes since summer.
48. pop stars anger me.
49. god damn i love cucumbers. lol.
50. did i mention that I'm Cuban?
51. i like that movie wanted.
52. i hate my ears.
53. god damn my nose is ugly.
54, i bet you noticed my self-esteem...how is it. &.&
55. i love my friends, no matter how suicidal any of them are.
56. i love to go on the swings.
57. i wish i knew how to use the monkey bars.
58. that cumbitch is funny.
60. goddamn this never ends.
61. I'm jittery a lot.
62. i look at my hands or feet a lot when i talk to strangers.
63. seven is my favorite number
64. w is my favorite letter
65. I'm a lip virgin and to much surprise, a regular virgin too?
66. i laugh way too much.
67. i hate dancing.
68. when i was a kid pluto was a planet
69. i love love love onion rings
70. i have short term memory, very short.
71. i love manderines
72. i love music. <.<
73. i like to laugh at the assholes at my school.
74. i can honestly say that porn is funny, not a turn on.
75. i wish i lived near a railroad track for some reason.
76. books are a part of my diet.
77. sometimes i wish i could have a p***s.
78. my nails are weak because i don't drink milk.
79. i like tick tacks more than gum.
80. SOME screamo is acceptable.
81. i wish i could play piano, or violin.
82. sometimes i want to be pretty but then i realize that everyone would expect more of me if i was.
83. im scared to go to college.
84. what am i going to do with my life?
85. love rhymes with hideous. O:
86. im not original. :/
87. my best friends are natalie, clarissa and jenny.
88. i don't have guy best friends because they're all retarded and perverted...except for teddy. ilu teddy. 4laugh
89. i like to drink water in mugs.
90. roses are delicate.
91. i need socks.
92. i probably have add.
93. i was really jittery the whole day today.
94. school gives me a migraine.
95. im a sophomore.
96. techno/grunge/electronic/dance/trance = me hypeeerr.
97. i want to study psychology.
98. i like my Asian pear deodorant.
99. what rhymes with orange? porridge. scream
Community Member
And your adorable
That gansterkid even said he wanted to bang you. lolol