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Movie Reviews and my stories
Movies, and stories
Gone my own story i wrote about a fictional character named Matthew

Chapter 1
I looked out of the window of the truck watching life pass by like smoke in the wind.

Mom won't know.
She probably won't even care. I thought to myself.

I could remember when i was younger (about 13) mom would always take me to a friend's house and leave me there saying "i will come back soon. I promise." 

I would stay and wait. wait till the sun finally went down. 
When the sun went down i would sneak home and come in through my window and crawl into bed and cry.

When mom would come in my room noticing i was there she would always say "Honey I was gonna come back for you. Honest i was." she would always say the same thing. Then she would kiss me on the check. I knew she had a problem,Everyone knew she had a problem.
The kids at school would call her names.
"Drug Addict."
I would sit there trying not to say a word. burying my head into my book and reading.

Everyday after school i would go home to mom and dad fighting.
I would just walk up to my room and turn on my music.

When the screaming would stop dad would always come up and talk to me. "i am sorry you had to hear all of that. When i get everything situated. We will run. We will runaway and start a new life." he would say. 

But then one day mom and dad got into a big argument. dad said something and mom told him to leave and never come back.
So he did. he left.
without a hug
without a goodbye
and without me.

I never belived in promises after that day.

Mom would start drinking. but it never fully healed her And she started taking stuff out on me.
I would start going to school with bruises all over me. the kids would tease me about all the scars and cuts. 
My teacher asked me "what happened?"
and i would always say the same thing "i fell" i guess i said that cause i wanted to protect mom, i wasn't gonna say what was really happening at home.
After a couple of months of lyings,beatings and being made fun off there was a knock on the door. 

Mom peeped out the peekhole in the door,looked back at me and smirked.

She opened the door and greeted a tall man.

"Ma'am my name is Jacob I am with child services,I was called here for a call to us about child abuse."

I was hiding by the corner, i looked around the corner and the guy saw me.
"Would you join us Matthew?" Jacob asked politely 
I sat by Jacob and listened to everything he was telling mom.
Then after he was done talking he walked out the door.
Before he left he slipped me a card of his.

I went to school the next day with more bruises than usuall.

After the day at school i went home.
the tv was not on,mom was not in her chair.
I haulered "mom? are you home?"
no reply.
"she is not here yet. i have come to take you to a foster home.I am going to get you away from your abusive mother." he stated

He took me from home.

And just like that here i am 
Looking out the truck window watching life pass by like smoke in the wind.

Chapter 2
• I was still looking out the window when we arrived at my new "home".
"Matt this is where you are going to be living for now. The lady's name is Sherri she has 1 kid and she is a girl her name is rina she is a foster child just like you. Don't get to attached here. this is not your permant home." Jacob said.

He walked me up to the door and rang the door bell. Some portly woman came to the door.
"Why hello you must be Jacob." she looked behind Jacob "And you must be Matthew." 
"Yes ma'am" i said shyly 
"Oh my your quite shy now aren't you. we can fix that. RENA!! COME MEET UR NEW BROTHER!!!" she shouted upstairs.
"oh my please come in." she said forgetting we were still at the door.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and i turned and looked. A girl with long black hair (part covering her left eye) walked down the stairs. "Hi. Are you Matt?" she said. 
"Yes,you must be Rina." i said trying not to act so shy. "Yea,hey wanna come upstairs with me? i'll show you are room."she asked. "yea sure,Why not." I looked at Jacob. "oh go on,your are gonna live here you might as well just forget about me." he said calmly

. Rina and I walked up the stairs to a big room. It was painted black. Two Beds.Slipknot and Tokio Hotel posters on the walls,and a box on one of the beds. "hey your bed is the one with a box. I put something in the box for ya." she said. I went and opened the box. there was a note. "Welcome to the house. As you should know by now my name is Rina. I am 14 fixing to turn 15,me and Sherri have lived in this house for years." the note went on and on. "Well this is our room the bathroom is across the hall." rina said. "RINA! MATT! Come tell Jacob Bye!!!" shouted Sherri. We walked down stairs.

"well Matt i guess this is goodbye. i'll sure miss ya." Jacob said. I started crying a little. "jacob, I dont want to stay here. I wanna go home." "Matt you can't go home. I should have told you this sooner. Your mom died in a car wreck while you were at school. The police say she was talking on her cell phone and ran off the side of the road. she died before they could get to the scene." Jacob said sadly. "WHY! Why didn't you tell me?" i shouted. I ran up the stairs crying. I ran to my new room and slammed the door. "Why! I-I just wanna know why!" I shouted into my pillow. i heard a knock at the door. "it's me Rina. Let me in i wanna talk to you." "it's not locked!" i shouted. She opened the door and came and sat by me on my bed. "I want you to know that i want you to stay. I haven't had a brother or sister since Jack left. Please don't leave me." she said. "I'm not." i said. 


Chapter 3
I awoke in my bed. i must have cried myself to sleep. i got up and Rina wasn't in bed. i went down stairs and sherri wasn't here either. The phone rang and it scared me. "h-hello?" i said. "I have your mother and sister. if you ever want to see them again you will Send Jacob to the bridge on the south side of town with 500 dollars." "I will just let me talk to rina!" i shouted into the phone. "Matt. Matt help us." Rina said. I heard a shot and rina scream then the phone went dead.

AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! i screamed. I was awake. It was just a dream. I looked over to Rina and she was in bed asleep. "thank god." i sighed under my breath.
"Matt why are you screaming?" asked Rina as she woke up. "I had a dream." "what was it? a nightmare? said rina laughing. "yes and don't laugh! it was about you and Sherri." i said. Rina got out of bed and started walking to the bathroom. I noticed something about her. Her sheets were bloody and she was holding her wrist in a weird way. "rina what happened?" i asked. "I cut it on some broke glass last night i tripped in the glass." she said.

We both walked down stairs looking for Sherri. "Mom?" we both said at the same time. We go nothing but silence. Then the telephone rang. "Oh no. My dream." i ran upstairs. "i guess i will answer.?" "hello?" rina said. i could hear here mumbling and talking. She came upstairs crying. "What is wrong Rina?" i asked. "It's mom, She was in a car wreck. A semi was coming up behind her to fast and it hit her. She was sent flying out of the window." (she wasn't wearing her seatbelt) "Is.. is she dead?" i asked starting to cry. "no she is in the hospital in critical condition." Rina said getting her shirt on. "Jacob is gonna come get us in 20 minutes get dressed and meet me down stairs when you get dressed." she said. "Ok i will." i said

Chapter 4
After i got dressed, rina called jacob.I was worried he would move me to a different home. He wold probably think that this wasn’t good for me. A few minutes later, someone knocked. We answered and it was Jacob. We got in the car, and i was in the back. All of a sudden, i heard rina scream, tires screech, and then everything went black. Months passed.
I was still in the hospital. Rina wasn’t in the room with me. she had the room next door. Sherri was out. I was glad about that.
that was a voice i haven’t heard before.
''Who-who are you?!'' ''Where’s sherri?'' ''Get away from me, i don’t know you!!!''
''Matthew! calm down!!''
All of a sudden, jacob entered.
''Matt, this is your new mom. Please be pleasant.''
''Don't do this!! You know i have to stay with rina! please!''
''Matt, rina died today of a concussion. She never woke up from her coma and they decided to pull the plug.''
''No! I'm not going to believe you!''
''Matt, don't make this harder.''
''What do you mean,'harder'?''
''Why don’t you tell me anything?! I am old enough to know about things!!'' Then, the doctor came in.
"I want to go home with Rina! i dont want to go home with this woman!"
"Matt! You are going to go home with this lady and you are going to like it!"
"Shut up Jacob! why would i believe you! Rina is not dead! I don’t believe you at all!"
"Matt it is true."
"Sherri,i mean mom?"
"Yes matt it is me. Rina is dead."
"NOOOOO!" I screamed!
The doctor and jacob walked out into the hall and the doctor came in he tinkered with my iv.
"Jacob i pulled the plug,he should go in an hour."
"Go? Go where?"
"matt we are going to let u pass on. You are severally hurt and i cant take this."
"But jacob wat did i d..." I passed out.
''AAAAAAH!'' I screamed.
''Matt what is wrong with you?'' rina said.
''God, im having too many nightmares lately.''
I went downstairs with rina.
The phone rang.
I answered. ''hello?''
''Dont call back or send the police. I have your sweet little Sherri here and she’s doing fine. Unless you make a wrong move of course.''
The voice on the other line laughed.
''Ok where do i need to come?''
''Come to the meadow. And as i said before, don’t bring anyone,or Sherri wont see the light of day anymore.''
''Ok.'' I hung up.
''Rina, stay here I’m gonna call jacob and get a ride.''
''Why would you do that?''
''Trust me. Im doing the right thing for the first time in my life.''
I called jacob. No one answered.
''Crap.'' I said.
I walked to the meadow.
All of a sudden, i saw a man.
It was my dad.
''Matt, i know i said alot of things i shouldn’t have said when i was with you.''
''Dad! Just please don’t hurt Sherri!!''
''Oh, matt. Your were always so stupid. i have taken care of Sherri.''
I noticed him pointing behind the tree.
''Oh my god!''
I ran behind the tree, and then i stepped on a bear trap.
The last thing i ever heard was my dad saying,
''Hehe, matt i have always loved you. But sometimes you get the poisoned apple.''

Matt had died of too many injuries. Matts dad found out where sherri lived and killed rina few days later. She was with her friends staying at their houses. She came back to see if matt was home, and it happened. Jacob was behind the plan the whole time. Jacob had planned the kill. The double kill.

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