Kyo sat beside Ryu wanting him to wake up.She closed her eyes trying not to forget him.
Ranmaru stood up looking out the window."You know..Daisuke was a human"Kyo glanced at Ranmaru but didn't say anything.
"He was being controlled by Hideyuki"He turned around and looked at Kyo"Before he died,he said something to me."
Kyo turned her attention to Ranmaru"What was it?"Her voice was soft because she didn't really feel like talking.
"He was in love with you..and he said the one saught by demons and humans"Kyo remembered reading that in the book she read.
"The one that is not demon nor human,the one that is saught by demons and humans.The being that cannot die no matter how much blood she loses,the boy that will lose his life no matter what side he chooses."Kyo spoke this to Ranmaru.
Ranmaru tilted his head alittle"Whats that mean?"Kyo looked down at Ryu"It was about me and Ryu..he was destined to die the whole time."
He looked over at Kyo"What are you talking about"Kyo stood up"It was in a book that Hideyuki had when he changed his apperance"
Ranmaru didn't say anything.He sighed alittle"Where's my sword Ranmaru?"He blinked at her"Right here"He tossed Kyo her sword.
She caught it and looked down at Ryu"Only if the souls are combined can one be saved,only if the one that dies wishes to save the other can the worlds be at peace"
Ranmaru looked at Kyo with a concerned look.Kyo took off Ryu's shirt and put some of her blood on his chest.When she did so she put the shape of a heart,but it was only half of one.
Kyo put blood on her right hand in the shape of another half heart."Ranmaru..I need you to do me a favor"She laid down next to Ryu and placed her right hand on his chest near the heart that she had put using her blood.
"Yes..what is it?"Ranmaru took a step closer to her.Kyo looked up at Ranmaru as she tossed him her sword."Its been awhile since we've seen each other...10years now"
Ranmaru reached his hand out to her but stopped"What are you talking about..I didn't know you exsisited 10years ago"
Kyo smiled at Ranmaru"Kyotoku"He stood there in silence"How do you know her..she's the one I've been looking for until I met you"
Kyo sighed as she closed her eyes"I need you to kill me.."Ranmaru walked next to Kyo and knelt down beside her."No..I can't..I refuse to,what do you think this will solve?!"
Ranmaru looked at Kyo as his eyes started to fill with tears."Its the only way I can bring him back"She smiled at him.
Ranmaru's heart was starting to pound against his chest"I..can't lose you too..Kyo..I..I LOVE YOU!"He put his face closer to hers and kissed her.
Kyo blushed when Ranmaru kissed her.She put her hand on his face.Ranmaru pulled back from the kiss when she touched his face"I need you to take care of Ryu for me.."
Ranmaru closed his eyes as he stood up.A tear managed to escape his eye and fall down his face.He gripped Kyo's sword tight in his hand.
"We have to hurry before his soul is gone,It must be stabbed in my chest"Kyo smiled slightly up at Ranmaru.She turned her head and looked at Ryu one last time.
Ranmaru yelled as he pierced her sword through her chest.When he did so a strange light started to glow in both Kyo and Ryu's body.
"Whats happening"Ranmaru fell down to his knees with his hand still on the sword.The light in Ryu started to glow brighter as the light in Kyo dimmed.
Ranmaru had to cover his eyes because of the brightness in the room.After awhile the blood that was on Kyo's hand disappeared with the light.
"Kyo..Kyo wake up"Ranmaru touched her face.He held her in his arms.While he held her the light in Ryu started to glow bright and dimm.
Ranmaru laid Kyo's body back down as he stood up and removed the sword from her chest."You were with me the whole time"He held his head down.
The light in Ryu finally stopped glowing.He started to slowly open his eyes.Ranmaru looked over at Ryu."She really did it"
Ryu sat up and looked around the room"Wh-where am I?"Ranmaru walked over to him and patted him on the head"Its alright now"
Ryu looked at Ranmaru then over at Kyo"Mother you were right,I'm just fine"He smiled at her but stopped when she didn't respond.
"Hey mom,wake up.."Ryu nudged Kyo alittle.Ranmaru held his head down"Your mother..isn't waking up kid.."
Ryu stood up and glared at Ranmaru"What are you talking about,she always wakes up"Ranmaru shook his head at Ryu"Not this time"
Ryu's eyes filled with tears as he looked down at Kyo.He fell down beside her and hugged her,crying"Mother..please wake up..prove him wrong..wake up.."
Ryu cried as he looked at Kyo's face.He noticed that he had a full heart on his chest"What is this.."Ranmaru looked at Ryu slightly looking at Kyo"She sacrificed herself to bring you back"
As Ryu was told what she did to bring him back a tear slid down his face and onto Kyo's forehead.
When the tear fell a bright light started to come out of Kyo.Ryu stood up and looked down at her.His hands were shaking as her body started to rise in the air.
Kyo's body was no longer solid,it was more like a ghost,but he could feel her touch him when she hugged him.
"Ryu..stay with Ranmaru"Kyo's voice was like a soft echo.Ryu shook his head"No,I'm staying with you"Kyo smiled as the light in her body started to fade away with her body.
Before she completly faded away she looked at both of them"I'll come back..don't worry.."Ryu ran to her but was stopped when Ranmaru grabbed him"Let go of me..Mother Mother...MOTHER!!"
There was a bright light that engulfed the whole room.
Ranmaru and Ryu woke up outside the house they were in before everything happened."We made it back to our world"
Ryu stood up and looked around.Everything was the same as it was when Kyo first came home with Ranmaru.
"She's gone.."Ranmaru stood up and looked at the sky.Ryu walked over to him and looked up at him.
"She'll be back"Ranmaru looked down at Ryu some."Why would you say that?"Ryu sat down in the grass still looking at Ranmaru.
"Well,she made you a promise didn't she,and from what I can tell she would never break a promise to you"Ranmaru smiled down at Ryu.
He nooded his head slightly"Yea..your right,until she comes back,I'll wait for her."
"Agreed"Ranmaru placed his hand on Ryu's head and looked up at the sky.
10years had past since since Kyo's death and Ranmaru's and Ryu's return back to thier world.
"Hey give that back old man"Ryu was fighting with Ranmaru over the tv remote.
"My age may be old but I still look as young as you"Ranmaru grinned at Ryu as he held the remote up high from him.
"Why did you have to be a look as young as me and i'm 18"Ryu sighed as he pulled on Ranmaru's leg making him fall off the couch.
"What was that for"Ranmaru hit his head on the floor."Don't forget today's your birthday that means I get free dibs on your hits today"He grinned at Ryu as he stood up.
"For some reason I have a feeling that I just dug my own grave" Ryu scratched his head some."Well old man,I gotta head out to school"
He ran out of the door with his bag and started his way to school."It was on my 8th birthday that she died bringing me back"Ryu reached school and walked into the building.
Ranmaru stood up and closed the front door.He grabbed the phone and started to make calls for the party he was going to throw Ryu.
View User's Journal
The freakin stuff that goes on in my head._.
This is a book thing on my my thoughts and stuff and stuff i was thinkin about before i put it in this book thing,so yeah^.^
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~Caution:Kyo contains Graphic Violence,[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
And Devilish Charm[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
...Humans beware~[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
And Devilish Charm[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
...Humans beware~[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]