Reference:NAME: Vidar
AGE: 15
HAIR STYLE: Medium, spiky, somewhat stands on end,Odd tuffs stick out here and there
x Like so!
HAIR COLOR: Dusty, dark brown. Two white streaks going over the top (like racing stripes on a car)
EYE COLOR: Emerald green
CLOTHES: Shoes have paw prints on the bottom and something that resembles claws on the front of his shoes,tight pants with rips all around and a hole for his tail,Tight cream colored(sometimes black) shirt with a orange/dark brown coat (a mixture of these jackets style but not colorxx)
PERSONALITY:Bit of a blank page here, He has a soft spot for this little 11 year old x
and small animals,not much is know about his past,but only what stories his scars tell,as you can see,he fought in the past.He doesn't show lots of expressions, Only Annoyed,jealousy and happiness,and only then you have to look closely at his face to find out what he is feeling.(still writing bio so sorry ^^; )
SCARS/SCRATCHES: His palms, elbows, and knees are scratched up. His cheek and his nose are cut, too.
EXTRA: Fox ears and tail, the same dusty brown color. The fox ears are frayed, and a few chunks are missing out of his tail. The end of his tail is tipped white, just like the tips of his ears.