Once again I fail to live up to my parents expectations.I was yelled at on Monday for having attitude,because my dad was speaking in an annoying voice telling me to go get wood.How was try to be funny,but since I had tone in my voice when I wanted him to stop,since I had a bad day(didn't tell I had a bad day) I was yelled at.Then he started to rant on how me and my sister(younger one) never do jack s**t and we wouldn't do anything with out being told and we need help doing everything.This is also the person who make it pretty clear that I should call my sister(younger one) names or hit he because its immature.They tell me to ignore her but when I do I get told off for being rude(so what am I suppose to do stare )Any way since Monday I have been continually getting the wood with out being asked.I got the wood without complaining.My stepmom starts shoveling the snow while I'm getting the wood.After I got the wood I went to my room.My dad comes home and starts shoveling the snow with my stepmom,with a snow blower.I think there is no point in me going out now consider there is a snow blower and two people already out there. If there wasn't the snow blower I would have been out there.Anyway I get in trouble,because I didn't help shovel the snow.My stepmom has been home all day,she could have shoveled it anytime.And yet I still get in trouble. I can't seem to do anything right.Everyday they(parents) seem to find something about me to complain about. I hate it.
KakashiFangirl43 Community Member |