Kyo had woke up around 8am the next morning,she always woke up this time even on the weekends.She slowly slid out of bed onto the floor"Ughhh"She stood up and slid her feet across the floor to her desk to lazy to pick them up.She sat down at her desk and yawned.Kyo wasn't a morning person but she always woke up before anyone else.She rubbed her eyes and straitened up the papers on her desk.When she was done she stood up and looked at her bed. "What the.." Kyo saw Ryu on her bed laying on his back.Her eye twitched some as she looked at him. "That perv got in bed with me" She balled her hand in a fist and yelled"SIT"She was so use to telling an old friend of hers to sit whenever he did something that it just came out.Ryu slowly woke up after hearing her yell"Why is she yelling"He thought he was thinking this but he had said it out loud."What do you mean why am I yelling,I should be asking you WHY WERE YOU IN BED WITH ME!!"Ryu blinked at her and looked at his hands. "Oh no,I changed back during the night" He stood up from the bed and scratched the back of his head some"So-Sorry"When he stood up Kyo stood there staring at him"Y-You...YOU HAVE A TAIL!!"Because of the way he was laying Kyo didn't notice his tail when she first looked at him."Wh-What are you talking about!?"Ryu looked behind him and saw that he had a tail. "Oh I have no choice but to tell her" He sighed alittle as he took a step towards Kyo.She stepped back alittle not sure what to do or even say.She looked in his eyes as hers filled with confusion. "Those eyes..they're the same as that boy had" When Kyo thought that an image of the boy she found in her room the other day came to her mind."Kyo,I need you to listen to me"Ryu looked at her holding out his hand for her to grab and hold.Kyo looked down at the ground where Ryu wasn't able to see her face.She walked closer to him and balled her hand in a fist.She tried to punch him in the face but before she could Ryu grabbed her arm."Let go of me!!"Ryu held her arm tightly not letting go."Just who are you!?"Kyo squirmmed trying to free her arm from his hand"Would you just listen to me!!"Ryu swung Kyo onto her bed and pinned her down with his hands on her arms.He looked down at her with his eyes staring into hers."Just listen to me"Kyo's heart started to pound seeing him above her like that.""She squirmmed around trying to free herself from him and his eyes.
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The freakin stuff that goes on in my head._.
This is a book thing on my my thoughts and stuff and stuff i was thinkin about before i put it in this book thing,so yeah^.^
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~Caution:Kyo contains Graphic Violence,[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
And Devilish Charm[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
...Humans beware~[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
And Devilish Charm[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
...Humans beware~[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]