i am making a story and i think i will put it in my journal for NOW.
The Jaaku’s and Honoo’s
Name: Yami Honoo
Age: 15 at the beginning 18 later in the story. (Me: I will tell you when it will switch)
Looks: <a href="http://s63.photobucket.com/albums/h153/snacks_fairy/Anime%20Girls/?action=view¤t=TheShamanKing.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h153/snacks_fairy/Anime%20Girls/TheShamanKing.jpg" border="0" alt="Shaman!!"></a>
But has a curse mark on forearm and it says demon because of the Honoo demon in her. Hides the curse mark by wrapping it up and has two wrist bands on other arm. If the picture doesn't show she has dark blue hair put up in a red ribbon, a red kimono on with a white top, her eyes are a turquoise, and she has a katana on her back.
Bio: Have 4 sisters and 7 brothers. The Honoo clan is a clan that was once with the Jaaku clan, but separated and the Honoo and the Jaaku clans began to grow farther apart from each other with much hate. Every time a new generation comes, each clan has 11 children and only 5 of them in each clan can marry so each brother and sister fight a lot and are mean to each other and they try to kill each other Also only one person of the Honoo clan each 10 generations has the Honoo demon and the demon always tries to take over the person’s body and rule the world, but that’s why they seal it in the power fullest person in the clan which happened to be Yami this generation. If a Honoo and a Jaaku would marry then the clans would become as one again. Both clans are in the middle of no where and any of them can be summoned by people if they use the book of Demons in the Temple of Densetsu. Any of they can talk through any one’s mind and they all try to get people to summon them out of the place they live.
Weapons: has a katana on back which has special writing on it and she can only use it, has a pair of Sais sealed on both arms, and lots of scrolls with many weapons sealed on them.
Personality: courageous, strong, doesn’t take crap from people, rarely nice, likes to make fun of people, doesn’t smile much, gets mad fast, doesn’t like family very much, sad when alone and eyes always show pain and sadness no matter what, even when mad.
Likes: being alone, watching the stars, training, killing, singing, getting summoned, and working with and talking to her demon.
Hates: her family, losing a battle, running from a battle, people to see her true side, her demon trying to take over her, and that only 5 people can marry in her family.
I was sitting on my bed with a bored look on my face.
‘Why does it always have to be boring here? Maybe I could train or I could try to get someone to summon me. I’ll try to get someone first and if no one summons me then I will go train.’
I got into a comfy position and closed my eyes trying to find someone to free me from this hell. I have been stuck in this place for 2 year straight now because no one has summoned me yet. I found someone and it was a boy. (ME: If you want to see a picture of him, look at the end of the story.)
I started taking in his mind. “Help me.”
“Huh. Who’s there?” the boy answered back.
“Where are you?”
“In the Temple of Densetsu. Please hurry. I don’t want to die. But you have to do the first one in the book in the temple.” I talked softly in his mind.
“Where is that?” He really looked like wanted to help.
I made and image of a fake me in front of him. “I will lead you.” (ME: If you want to know what the fake image of her looked like, go to the end of the story.)
I walked up to him with a sad look.
He looked a little scared. “Why did you pick me to help you?”
“Because I couldn’t find anyone else.”
“Well I’m sorry, but I can’t help you. I have to go on a mission. I wish I could.”
I looked down sadly. “Alright. I will try and find someone else then.” My fake image disappeared away from him and I opened my eyes and frowned.
“So close. Guess I will train then.” I got up and went to the training room in my family’s house and saw one of my brothers in there. I glared at him.
“Why are you here?” My brother spat at me.
“What is this room for?” I spat back.
He glared then walked out of the room not taking another look at me. I smiled and began to train.
{*2 days later*}
I have trained and slept, trained and slept for the last 2 days and I had no clued what to do. I walked around in the hallways of my family’s house trying to find something to do. I sighed and just went to the training room…..again. I made some clones and I took out my katana and started swinging away as some of my clones disappeared and my others blocked. I took out some shuriken and threw it at 2 of my clones and they disappeared. I only had 8 left. I took out 4 kunai and 4 shuriken with some chakra, and threw it at 7 of them leaving one. I steadied my chakra and ran towards my clone with much speed. I brought my katana down right towards its neck and I was an inch away when I poofed into another room that looked like temple.
“Huh? What the?” When I looked around I saw that boy again, but he had others with him.
“Who are you?” The boy asked me. I just remembered that I used a fake me for him to see.
“I am the person you have summoned.” He sweat dropped. “It’s true.”
“What happened to that one girl that I was talking to 2 days ago?”
”You’re looking at her.” I put my katana away.
“Well then who are you?” said one of the people with him.
I frowned. “You should read the book. It tells whoever you summoned.”
“You are very annoying.” He looked at the other people with him. “Just kill her.” He pointed to me and his body guards, I’m guessing, came at me with a kunai in both of their hands. I dodged both of them and took my katana back out and tackled one of them and stabbed him in the chest. When I pulled my katana out he turned into a puff of smoke.
“Clone.” I muttered and took out a kunai and threw it at the boy, but the body guard was in front of him and blocked it.
“You seem to be a good ninja, but where is your headband?” the boy asked.
“Honoo’s….don’t….wear….headbands.” I said slowly not knowing if I should have said that. Many people didn’t allow any Honoo or Jaaku to be in their village, because we fought all the time and we would end up destroying the village.
“A Honoo. You mean you are one?” He looked a little shocked.
“What’s wrong with being one?” I spat at him.
“No one has heard of one for awhile. It’s just sort of shocking that there would be one here right now in front of me.”
“Huh. I should get going now. I must start and get caught up on what has happened in this world over the past 2 years after being stuck with my family.” I put my katana away and just then I saw the boy whisper something to his guard and his guard ran at me. I didn’t move and he stuck a kunai right in my chest. He stepped back to see what really happened.
I smiled. “You are to do better then that if you are wanting to kill me.” I pulled out the kunai and the wound just kept bleeding. It didn’t bother me as my father had trained me to take pain as if it was nothing.
All of the Honoo children were running around in the house playing happily with all the others, except for Yami. She would just sit down and watch all the kids play happily with sadness and pain in her eyes. “Mommy, why is Yami always sad?” asked the youngest Honoo girl. “That is how she is. She can change how he is if she wants, but we can’t force her to.” The little girl just wanted to help and so she walked up to Yami with determination in her eyes. “Yami, would you like to play with us?” She smiled as Yami just looked at her with sadness. “I am sorry Tenshi, but I can not play with such happiness as I must be ready.” The little girl tilted her head in confusion. “Ready for what?” Yami looked down. “You will see soon enough.”
The next day Yami had went with her father into the training room very early in the morning when no one was awake. “You must try harder Yami or else it will take over you easily.” My father said as he kept throwing kunai at me. I dodged all, but one that sank into my leg and I let out a small scream. Father sighed. “You must take the pain as your demon feeds on this pain and it will kill you.” I pulled it out hoping no one would wake from my small scream, but I heard soft footsteps coming this way knowing it was 3 people coming. I closed my eyes trying to find out who it was and I knew one was Tenshi and the others were 2 of my brothers. I opened my eye to see my dad in front of me with another kunai in his hand. I could see my sister and my 2 brothers watching in silence without my father noticing. I tried to move out of the way, but I was too slow as the kunai sank into my stomach. I heard my lil sis gasp softly and my bothers were speechless. I bit my lip making it bleed trying to ignore the pain as much as I could. He pulled it out and I fell to the ground on 3s and my other arm was around my stomach. My arm was already full of blood from my stomach. “Train will be over for today, now UP!!!” Father yelled at me as I slowly go up. I did a few hand signs and healed the wound as best as I could. “Now let go to bed.” I walked along side him with my wound totally healed, but my leg wasn’t, so I started limping. “Stop the limping. It makes you look suspicious.” I stopped limping the best I could and when I looked back at my brothers and sister, they were gone. I knew they were going to do something about this. My eyes were still showing pain and sadness as me and father walked out of the training room.
In my room when I walked in were my 2 brothers and sister. “Yami, are you ok? That looked very painful.” My sister ran by my side trying to help, but I pushed her away remembering my father’s words…”Take the pain or the demon will easily take over you.” I looked at her with more sadness in my eyes. “I can handle myself. I’ll be fine.” “We saw what happened back there. You should do something about it.” Said one of my brothers. “It’s for the better, for me.” I said as I looked down. “Going through pain like that isn’t going to help you.” said my other brother. “You don’t know what I have to go through everyday, so you wouldn’t understand.” They looked at me sadly. “We want to understand, but you aren’t letting us.” “It’s for the better. Now out.” “But we…” my little sister started “OUT!!!” They ran out of the room. A tear went down my face and I could only hear my father’s words ringing in my head. I sat on my bed and unwrapped the bandages I had on my left arm and looked at the curse mark on it as it was going to be there forever. “Why?” I said softly and I let another tear fall. I lay on my bed as slowly fell asleep.
I closed my eyes and my wound slowly healed itself. I could now heal myself without having to do any hand signs.
“Huh.” The boy started to walk away. “Come now. We can help you.”
“We? What do you mean we?” Just then his ‘body guard’ came behind me and tried to hit me on the back of the neck, but he only hit the sharp part of my katana. He winced in pain then moved hand off my katana.
“Don’t you even try knocking me out cause it ain’t going to work.” I put my katana to my side and looked back at the boy, but instead of the boy, it was a man with orange hair. I knew he made himself look like the boy to fool me. “Now what do you want?” I spat at him.
“I summoned you and I could easily put you back, now come.” He started walking and I for some reason followed. Was I scared? No I couldn’t be. I got rid of that feeling a long time ago. But then why am I going with him?
I hope you people liked the first chapter. Rate and message me about it and tell me how you liked it. If I should have added more to it or is it good just the way it is. Please and thank you. The next chapter will be out soon.
Picture of boy:
Image of Yami’s fake image:
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