The Thoughts and Feelings of OuEstLaCraie
A place for thoughts, ramblings, and reflections; a sort of blog, if you will, where I'll share the daily drudgery of my life, the fun things I do with friends, and any random ideas I have for rolling around in my noggin. Enjoy : )
Evangeline makes her living as a "locator" and part-time theif. She prides herself on being able to track down anything of importance, be it information, a person, or a family heirloom. If the need arises, she can use her stealthy skills to take what her client requires and return it to him.
She prefers not to go around armed, but it certain cases, she will carry only a dagger (a family heirloom) tucked into her boots out of necesscity. At most, she will sometimes carry a messenger bag to deliever information to clients, but otherwise travels very light. She'll take on any case, no matter how seemingly trivial, and gets paid handsomely for her troubles.
 ^That's her
Evangeline is rarely seen without her demonic companion, Drayl. He is a small creature, only about three feet high, with midnight blue skin. His eyes are crimson (and rather large), set above a wide snout, and he has a swatch of gray-black hair on his head and on the end of his long, thin tail. He has black scales running down his back from skull to tail base, and these same scales are on his forarms and the backs of his legs, as well as small bat's wings on his back, and minatures of those wings on his ankles. He has three fingers and four toes, and he carries only a small bag when he's on an errand from Evangeline, and a tiny dagger. He needs rather enormous glasses to see, sometimes, and he is forever polite. He breaks the stereotypes, and he's damn proud of it. Except he'd never say "damn" (not in polite company, anyway). Drayl is something of a protector for Evangeline, a friend of her family since her grandmother's time (that's a long time ago--her grandmother was about half elf), but he is really closer to a true friend. He's happy to help.
OuEstLaCraie · Mon Dec 22, 2008 @ 03:01am · 0 Comments |