the technicians request becomes a really funny mistake!!!
technician: hey can yall move the coats in the closet so i can hook some of this cord in the wall? Jess: ah sure! -moves coats off rack- -sees lamp- Maybe i should move this, he might bump his head on it. -moves lamp quickly- OWWW! -top of lamp falls on head- WTF! livvy: rofl...lmao...lolz... hahahhahahahhhahahahahhahahaahhhah*gasps for air to continue laughing*hehehehehhheheahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahah *gasps again* hahahhahahahahahhahhhahahhahahahaha... ur so stupid omfg!!!! hahhahhahahahhahhahhahahhaha!!!!!!!!! Jess surprised oooooooooooow!!! stop laughing at me -tries to put top of lamp back on the- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooow!!! -top of lamp falls on head again- livvy:wtf!!! jess, how stupid can u get... ahahahhaha...lolz... rofl... lmao!!! haehhahahahhahhawhahhahwhehhah!!! technician: oh thanks for moving the coats out. Jess:-holds top of head- np livvy:*holds stomach cause hurts so much from laughing* pfft!!!