All of the work here is made by Omnia Aequus Nox Noctis. He gave me permission to put his avatars in my journal.
He goes by many names: The Grim Reaper, Death, The End, Father Time, The Horsemen of the Appocolpse. But did you know there's one for every species? I decided this should have it's own entry, due to its awesomeness.
Death of Petals. (Not to be confused with the death of scotty dogs.)

Total Value: 310,698 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Mackintosh the Scottie Plushie
The Lusty Scoundrel
Padmavati's Lotus 8th Gen.
Winter Rose
Grace of Aphrodite
Death of Swords

Total Value: 506,238 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Shadow Spirit
Chain Of Command
Spirit Falcon
Picolitrosso's Urn 2nd Gen.
Death Whisper
Death of Longcat

Total Value: 418,482 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Holy Gauntlets
Death Whisper (8th gen)
Gimpi 2nd gen.
Longcat Scarf
Lunar Scythe
Lunar Scythe
Death of Satyr

Total Value: 657,999 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Crystal Fluff Plushie
Coral Fluff Plushie
Coal Sprite
Flame Sword
Elemental Wings
Four Horsemen
Infernal Spirit 4th Gen
Faun Legs
Scar of Martyr
Western Zodiac
Western Zodiac
Death of Foxes

Total Value: 599,882 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Electric Sparks
Furugasa 3rd Gen.
Super Powers
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 3rd gen.
Death Whisper (8th gen)
Inari's Beads
Death of Shrooms

Total Value: 603,274 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Celebrity Snare Hulk Impact Crater
Elemental Wings
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 3rd gen.
Death Whisper (3rd gen)
Carol of Ol' Nick 3rd gen.
Enchanted Book 6th Gen.
Magic Plains Orb
Biancamella 2nd Gen
Death of Man

Total Value: 73,263 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Aero-D Sneakers
Vampire Hunter Hat
Belted Pants
Black Musketeer Top
Assassin's Guise
Four Horsemen
Death of Grunnies

Total Value: 635,057 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Giant Red Bloodshot Eyeball
Inari's Beads 10th Gen
Vampire Hunter Hat
Death Whisper (9th gen)
Death Whisper (9th gen)
Death Whisper (9th gen)
Death Whisper (9th gen)
Triple Demon Horns