oh well anyway. i got a couple of views on my last entry but no one commented so i guess you are all cowards.
i think my parents are sorta worried about me cus ive been spending so much time in my room but i am actually doing fine o_O what cant i spend the weekend in my room without getting weird looks?
the only time i came out was to food which was mostly noodles & pasta last weekend haha (i dont eat much, besides, its not like i was running around in the garden or anything neutral )
im really meant to be doing hwk right now. but i really do not have the willpower.
so what was i doing all weekend in my room you ask? wink
well actually i was just drawing writing and playing my guitar.
in case you havent seen my guitar:

oh yeah, new music. my bloody valentine which is shoegazish and mono which is japanese post rock stuff which sounds awesome. mono is also the album i got from the icarus line, in case i didnt mention that.
what else -.- rolo tomassi which i remember reading something about in kerrang. and ill tell you why theyre awesome: 1- theyre insanely crazy 2- theyre some kind of weird electro hxcore stuff 3-their lead singer is a girl 4- but she can scream like crazy xD 5- and theyre from england!
yah not many decent english bands around unless you count cutting pink with knives & a couple more bands.
oh hey i just found another bunch of albums i forgot to load into itunes lol. crime in choir.
i think ive pretty much run out of things to write now so cya.