The story starts off in Okinawa, Japan, where Saya Otonashi, a schoolgirl, lives happily with her adoptive family that consists of George, her father, a veteran from the Vietnam war; Kai, her brother who was an athlete, and Riku, her little brother. However, Saya's ordinary life is shattered when she encounters a chiropteran when she returns to school one night to retrieve the running shoes she left behind.This is when she reunites with her loyal chevalier, Haji, whom together with the gradual return of her memory, learns about the tragedies in her past. She too learns about her twin sister, Diva (whose blood is being used to create the monsters), Diva's chevaliers and that only her blood is fatal to Diva and co., while similarly only Diva's blood can kill her. Otherwise she and Diva are almost immortal, having lived longer than everyone else, always going through the cycle of waking up for a few years and then sleeping in a cocoon for the next 30.
Saya soon embarks on a journey to rid the world of chiroptera and stop her sister along with her family and Haji. She is also assisted by members of the Red Shield, an organization founded by Joel Goldschmidt, the original man that discovered the sisters, and whose diary helped Saya remembers her lifetime before and how Haji became who he is now. The war against chiroptera takes the group around the world, from Okinawa to Vietnam, to France, to Russia, to New York, to London, and finally back to Okinawa. Throughout it all, blood and more blood are spilled, lifes of loved ones are lost, new friends (in the form of artificial chiroptera, known as Sif) are found, new lifes are born and most of it all, million tears are shed. The love for Saya also caused Solomon, one of Diva's chevalier to turn against his Queen towards the end of the anime
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