I cast myself into misery, I throw myself into shame, For my thoughts are just lost secrets, And my heart is only to blame.
There’s nothing left for me here, There’s no reason for me to try, So why not cast myself into oblivion, And leave myself to die.
My life is a burning wasteland I have nothing that I have achieved, I’m lost in this cruel world, My thoughts are what deceive.
If only it were easy, And I had what I want, Then this day wouldn’t be agony, As I put up my public front.
A confession within my soul, Yet I'm not willing to release this shame, These confessions of my heart, Will keep me far from sane.
I’m brooding and corrupted, Though my expressions do not show, If only I had that hand, My conscience will not slow.
I’m lost in this simple world, A man with but a view, This secret kept upon me, Makes my world a cold gray hue.
 You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
William Saint Claire · Tue Feb 03, 2009 @ 08:44am · 0 Comments |