1.Kei_XRP-77: Full Shot (super cute water meat)/1,000g
heart 2.Cannibals Soup: Full Shot w/ snowey Background (big cross)/1,000g

3.Ryukashian: Full Shot w/ black smokey background /1,000g

4.Auroi V2: Headshot (super detailed) w/ brown/red background /3,000g

5.Marie Bloodrose: Full Shot w/ a 'surprise me' background /1,000g

6.xXpandachanXx: Full Shot w/ bedroom background /1,000g

7.Kei_XRP-77: Full Shot (same as before) /2,000g
heart 8.T y 13 u 1 t: head shot w/ black/white striped background /800g

9.sayurisaya: full shot w/ night sky background /1,000g
heart 10.Venomous Gazer: head shot no background /500g+items

11.--iPurty: full shot /2,000g

12.Scene Lush: full shot /1,000g

13.Magic Fiend: full shot /1,000g
heart 14.Mr-maxxeh: full shot w/ rainbow background /1,000g

15.Kit Katy: full shot w/ yellow/fprest green background /1,000g

16.-x- Happy Nightmare -x- : full shot /1,000g

17.Hero Lief: full shot /2,000g

18.[ i n s o m n i a ] full shot /1,000g

19.live_2_die_123: full shot /1,000g
heart 20.Grape_Flavored_Bubble full shot w/ 2 color basic background /1,000g

21.jello -- POPS: full shot w/ 2 color bg /1,000g

22.xKeyBladeMasterx: head shot w/ fancy bg /didn't pay

23.Behemotho: full shot w/ fancy background no wings /1,000g
heart 24.cannibalistic watermelon: full shot w/ fancy background /1,000g

25.Meh_Yew_Fool: full couple shot (chibi style) /2,000g

26.Kei_XRP-77: full shot (same as before) /3,000g
heart 27.Magic Fiend: full shot /1,000g
heart 28.sayurisaya: full shot oc w/ light sky background: /2,000g
heart 29.live_2_die_123: full couple shot (hugging)w/ bedroom background w/ tome on bed: /5,000g
heart 30.Aesops Fables: full shot oc: /2,000g

31.live_2_die_123: redo: /didn't pay
heart 32.Darkknightdamanos: full shot w/ black background /2,000g

33.Super_Dragonite: 3/4 shot w/ stary night sky w/ moon, playing w/ pixie /2,000g

34.iJest3r: full shot w/ fancy bacground /1,000g

35.Fire_User: full shot w/ flaming background /1,000g

36.holi HeartBreak: full shot w/ rockstar pose /1,000g

37.Behemotho: full shot w/ bedroom background /January crown
heart 38.jungle_boy2: full shot w/ fancy background w/ super cute tama /2,500g

39.[`Maximus`] & Poysin Eyevee: couple shot w/ his hand on her thigh, her blushing w/ hill background /8,000g

40.Behemotho: couple w/ fancy bg /4,00g0
heart 41.Broken x Condom: full shot fancy background hugging grunny /2,500g
heart 42.Brian Cartwright: full shot finshed working /2,500g

43.akane1412: full shot w/ basic bg /2,000g

44.suicidal_ pink_princess: full shot w/ surprise me bg /2,000g

45.Blackdrak: couple shot w/ fancy bg /5,000g

46.Kayley FC: knee up/back shot /3/000g

47.Behemotho: anthro "winged wolf" w/ fancy bg /2,000g
heart 48.ultima_keyblade_warrior: fullshot w/ fancy stary bg /5,000g

49.The Mystery Rabbit: full shot w/ roxas pose (make cute looking) w/ fancy bg /2,000g+items

50. Dr Cotton: digital painting /10,000g

51. Carols x3: full shot w/o bg /1,800g

52. Stryding Soul: full animal shot (cg painting) /20,000

53. Broken x Condom: couple full shot sitting on his back "words" surprise me bg:
heart 54. lord tzimisce: full shot w/ fancy bg: /omnomnom hat
heart 55. Deimos- Son of Aries: head shot w/ basic bg /1,500g

56. Rock You To Sleep: headshot w/ white bg: /2,000g

57. lord tzimisce: digi painting: /omnomnom hat
heart 58. Behemotho: digital painting evil winged wolf (omega weapon) w/ fancy bg: /11,000g
heart 59. Mythey Maysonia: digital painting w/ eerie shadowy bg: /11,000g

60. DevilBubble: digital painting waist up shot (sexy looking/evil) w/ fancy bg: /13,000g

61. LafemmeLana: head shot cg painting w/ egyptian make up: /5,000g

62. Weregrunny: fersona digi painting w/ sad rainy bg: /10,000g