I hate how my love for you burns,
I hate how you make me laugh,
I hate how you embrase me everytime.
I love when you smile,
I love your kisses,
I love you forever.
Should anyone try to take you from me,
They will fail missrabley,
For our love,
Is a love,
That can not be beaten.
We share our love,
Together forever.
You are the light that guids me threw the dark,
The laugh to my jokes,
The smile to an angel.
You will forever be mine,
I will do anything to keep you,
You are my god,
My flying seraph.
An angel of angels,
Never being able to go to hell,
You belongamong the heavens,
Any who say otherwise,
Belong to the demons of hell.
Our love,
Is like a flame,
Burning for eternity,
Never going out.
(Dedicated to Yeger Zero Orez, the love of my life. ^^)
View User's Journal
tis my journal, me, mine, no one else's. lol, X3. pplz, you dont have to read it, it has all the bad stuff thats happend to me in life in it, ok? ok. lol
my journal, is gonna be filled with poems, sadness, and bad stuff thats happened to me in life so far.
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We fear what is different, and what is differnt we do not understand, therefore, we fear what we do not understand, and we hurt that of which we fear. not all fear the different though, some enjoy the company of the abnormal others, i do. they r ppl too.
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