Narashi had been beating off the soldiers one by one,while Kyo was fighting Satoshi
She seemed to be doing a good job deflecting his bullets with the sword,but it was actually hard.Kyo had to time everything right or else she would get hit
Even though bullets like those wouldn't affect demons she still didn't want to get hit with them.
"What are you waiting on Satoshi,I thought you said you were gonna kill me"Kyo grinned at him as she stood in a tree,still gripping her sword
Satoshi pointed his gun at Kyo's head then shot,missing because she moved out of the way
Kyo ran towards him and grabbed his wrist,twisting it and making him drop his gun"Never aim at your opponents head,its a small target"
She pulled on his wrist and swung him around into a tree"Aim for the heart,even if you miss people will take you more seriously"
Satoshi fell down onto the ground when he was slammed into the tree"B-But how!?"He motioned his body to get up but couldn't"I was suppose to kill you.."
Kyo looked down at him with a stern look on her face"You're pathetic"She started to walk over to Narashi,who had just finished off the last soldier
He didn't kill them,he just made it so they couldn't move...and weren't awake for the time being
When Kyo started walking towards Narashi,Satoshi crawled over to his gun picking it up in his hands and aimming it at Kyo's back
"Kyo look out!"Ryu yelled at her as he was about to run towards her,until he heard the gunshot
Kyo had noticed that he was going to shoot and managed to deflect the bullet with her sword,charging at Satoshi with it then killing him
His blood scattered everywhere when he was killed by the sword,most of it getting on Kyo
She shook her head then spit towards the ground feeling a small ounce land in her mouth
Tatsuya and Ryu were about to run over to Kyo and attack her with hugs but stopped seeing Masumi and the others come towards them
Makoto ran and jumped on Narashi,hugging his face"Fluffy!You're ok!"She licked the side of his face as her tail wagged
Narashi sighed as he wiped off his face"Yes Makoto,I'm just fine"He smiled slightly as he set her ontop of his head
"We heard gunshots so we came to see if you guys had gotten into any type of trouble"Masumi smiled walking over to Narashi and grabbing Makoto
Ryu blinked at them"Well we did,which was Kyo's fault.Somehow trouble always finds me whenever I'm with her,right Kyo?"He laughed softly as he looked over at her
Kyo didn't answer him,she kept her back towards them as her sword fell out of her hand.She placed her hand on her chest clenching it tight "Whats...happening..!?" She felt a strong pulse then a pull as she clenched tighter
Narashi glanced over at her"Master?"He felt something was wrong but still took a step closer to her
When Narashi stepped closer Kyo turned around,quickly swinging her arm as if warning him to stay back.
Kyo's eyes were flashing between a bright blood red and grey,her normal human color eye color for her left right eye
Narashi took another step closer to her"Master..?"He slowly brung his hand towards his sword as her hair starting to become a snow white
Kyo's vision was starting to become blurry as her eyes changed to the blood red color,her fangs started to grow along with her claws
"Kyo..?"Ryu walkd over to Narashi,walking infrount of him now standing infront of Kyo"You don't have to get mad at what I said.It was a joke"He smiled not knowing that he was in trouble
"Run..Ryu run please!" For some reason Kyo wasn't able to talk,no matter how much she pushed herself to.She wasn't even able to control her body
It was almost as if she herself had been looked away in her spirit,her body was acting on its own accord
Narashi grabbed Ryu by the back of the shirt,swinging him out of the way as Kyo came trying to attack him
Ryu was thrown to the ground,seeing Narashi holding off Kyo with his sword. "Wha-Whats wrong with her.." He looked at Kyo,looking more at her blood red eyes as they glowed brighter
Narashi managed to push Kyo back from him and the others a few feet,he looked at her staring in her eyes "Could this be..what happens..?"
View User's Journal
The freakin stuff that goes on in my head._.
This is a book thing on my my thoughts and stuff and stuff i was thinkin about before i put it in this book thing,so yeah^.^
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~Caution:Kyo contains Graphic Violence,[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
And Devilish Charm[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
...Humans beware~[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
And Devilish Charm[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]
...Humans beware~[/color:c2052ab2b9][/align:c2052ab2b9]