my parents say that they would stand by me on all my desicions but when i told my mom who i liked she told me that i shoulded acciacate myself with them, that all he is going 2 do is bring me down and affect my school grades. even with my friends. they're all like" they are a bad influence on you. your grades might slip you might kill yourself." and so on and so forth.
well i already been there and done that stuff. and afterwards i opened my eyers and saw all the pain and turmoil i put my family and myself through.
i dont ever want to go there again. i talk 2 people and i take my meds but they still want let me hang with who i want 2 hang with.
after all i've been through and wat i told them they just keep me caged up in this hellhole. Granted i do get some freedom, but so does every other caged animal.
they've clipped my wings and took away my flight.i'm chained 2 these walls, dreaming of my freedom.