First Fight Ever....
I"M SO DEPRESSED!! On Friday, me and my best friend for going on three eyars had probably one of our first fights. It was a about a stupid love traingle going on at school, and I'd only been hearing one side of the story. One of my friends, a guy, who is in love with one of the girls, has been telling me stuff. I neever heard the other side of the story. So, we got in a fight with me on one side and her on the other. After the fight I started thinking that maybe she was right. I mean I've known her for almost three years. I've known the other guy for a barely even a year. SO I asked the other two who are in this situation. Turns out that my best friend was right, and that my guy friend had been lying to me. I felt absolutely horrible and was going to apoligize to my friend, when someone else walked by, I asked if they knew were she was, and she said that my friend hated me now!.......WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?! crying crying crying crying crying